Skills for Preschool Teachers, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 7, 2016) © 2017

  • Janice J. Beaty Professor Emerita, Elmira College
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Brief Table of Contents

1 Maintaining a Safe Classroom

2 Maintaining a Healthy Classroom

3 Establishing a Learning Environment

4 Advancing Physical Skills

5 Advancing Cognitive Skills

6 Advancing Communication Skills

7 Advancing Creative Skills

8 Building a Positive Self-Concept

9 Promoting Social Skills

10 Providing Guidance

11 Promoting Family Involvement

12 Providing Program Management 13 Promoting Professionalism

Detailed Table of Contents


The In-Service Training Option

Skills Based on Child Development Associate Training

Textbook Chapters from Functional Areas

Competency Standards, Functional Areas, Chapters

Teacher Skills Checklist

Assessment for In-Service Training Option

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards

1 Maintaining a Safe Classroom

Set Up Safe Classroom Environment



Promote Toy and Materials Safety Within Each Learning Center

Art Center

Block-Building Center

Book Center

Computer Center

Cooking Center

Dramatic Play Center

Gross-Motor Center

Manipulative/Math Center

Music/Listening Center

Sand/Water/Sensory Table

Science/Discovery Center

Woodworking Center

Writing Center

Battery-Operated Toys and Video Games

Safety Checklist

General Room Conditions

Video 1.1 Fire Safety

Keep Outdoor Playground Safe and Secure

Video 1.2 Physical Development: Early Childhood

Books as Lead-Ins to Playground Safety Activities

Plan and Implement Necessary Emergency Procedures

Emergency Illnesses or Injuries

Preparing for Accidents

Injury Safety Activities

Weather Emergencies

Books as Lead-Ins to Emergency Weather Activities

Emergency Exiting

Books as Lead-Ins to Fire Fighting Activities

Emergency Evacuation Plans

Provide a Safe Atmosphere Through Teacher Behavior

Teacher's Behavior

Dissipate Fear

Book as a Lead-In to Talking About Fear

Supervising Classroom Areas

Anticipating Unsafe Behavior

Redirecting Unsafe Behavior

Modeling Safe Behavior

Involving Children in Safety Rules

Car and School Bus Safety

Books as Lead-Ins to School Bus Safety Activities

Field Trip Safety

Book as a Lead-In to Field Trip Manners

Promote Personal Safety for Each Child


Books as Lead-Ins to Talking About Bullying


Do You Know?

Learning Activities

2 Maintaining a Healthy Classroom

Set Up a Healthy Classroom Environment Emphasizing Children's Wellness

Children's Wellness

Encourage Children to Become Physically Fit Through Exercise and Rest

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness Guidelines

Physical Fitness Activities

Books as Lead-Ins to Classroom Physical Activities


Books as Lead-Ins to Resting/Napping

Promote Good Nutrition Through Food Choices and Children's Eating


Video 2.1 Mealtime and Snack Time


Analyzing Food Choices

Food in the Classroom


Cultural Food

Books as Lead-Ins to Cultural Food Activities


Screen Time

Picky Eaters

Books as Lead-Ins to Helping Picky Eaters

Use Materials to Ensure Children's Health Through Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness

Keeping the Classroom Clean

Video 2.2 Handwashing

Personal Hygiene: Handwashing

Washing Dolls and Toys

Tooth Brushing

Books as Lead-Ins to Toothbrushing

Sun Protection

Recognize Unusual Behavior and Symptoms of Illness and Respond to Them



Insect Bites


Chicken Pox

Book as Lead-In to Chicken Pox Theme


Books as Lead-Ins to Using Tissues

Ear Infections

Special Conditions

Medical Exams

Books as Lead-Ins to Doctor and Dentist Visits


Do You Know?

Learning Activities

3 Establishing a Learning Environment

Set Up Stimulating Learning Centers in Appropriate Spaces

Learning Centers as Brain Stimulators

Colors as Stimulators

Noise Levels

Room Arrangement

Video 3.1 Room Arrangement: Preschool

Room Layout

Separating Activities

Floor Planning

Self-Regulating Methods

Provide Appropriate Materials for Children's Self-Directed Activities in Indoor Learning Centers

Play as Learning

Exploratory Play Levels

Equipping Learning Centers

Block-Building Center

Book Center

Dramatic Play Center

Manipulative/Math Center

Art Center

Gross-Motor Center

Music Center

Science/Discovery Center

Writing Center

Computer Center

Sensory Play Center

Woodworking Center

Developmentally Appropriate Materials

Evaluating Room Arrangement

Provide Stimulating Outdoor Learning Activities

Outdoor Dramatic Play


Block Building



Climbing, crawling

Fine Motor


Use Technology Where Developmentally Appropriate

Computer (desktop; laptop)


Touch Tablet

Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)

Multitouch Table or Smart Table

eBook Player

Digital Camera

Video 3.2 Technology

Digital Voice Recorder

Digital Music Player/Recorder


Do You Know?

Learning Activities

4 Advancing Physical Skills

Guide Children's Development of Gross-Motor Skills and Provide Appropriate Equipment and Activities


Books as Lead-Ins to Walking Activities



Books as Lead-Ins to Jumping


Books as Lead-Ins to Leg and Feet Action


Books as Lead-Ins to Climbing Activities



Books as Lead-Ins to Playing Basketball/Baseball

Riding Wheeled Equipment

Book as a Lead-In to Riding a Trike

Making Plans for Individuals

Guide Children's Development of Fine-Motor Skills and Provide Appropriate Materials and Activities

Fine-Motor Assessment

Sequence of Development

Whole Arm

Books as Lead-Ins to Hammering

Whole Hand

Pincer (Finger 1)


Cutting with Scissors

Books as Lead-Ins to Cutting

Pincer Coordination (Finger 2)

Stringing Beads

Books as Lead-Ins to Bead-Stringing Activities

Provide Opportunities for Children to Engage in Movement-Based Learning

Video 4.1 Movement and Music

Books as Lead-Ins to Movement Activities

Provide Opportunities for Children to Engage in Creative Dance

Movement Props

Books as Lead-Ins to Creative Dance


Do You Know?

Learning Activities

5 Advancing Cognitive Skills

Describe How Cognitive Development Takes Place In Preschool Children

Pioneers in Children's Cognitive Development

Brain Research

Cognitive Development in Preschool

Help Children Develop Curiosity About Their World Through Sensory Exploration

Sensory Exploration

Assessing Children's Curiosity

Sensory Questions

Reawakening Your Own Curiosity

Open-Ended Sensory Questions

Scientific Inquiry: The Guessing-Game Method (High-Level Thinking)

Equipment and Materials in the Classroom

Outside Sensory Explorations

Books as Lead-Ins to Outside Sensory Exploration

Help Children Develop Basic Concepts About Their World by Classifying, Comparing, and Counting Objects in It

Sorting and Classifying Objects That Are Alike

Video 5.1 Sorting Shells

Comparing Objects by Size, Shape, Color, and Number

Books as Lead-Ins to Comparing Objects

Early Childhood Mathematics

Books as Lead-Ins to Number Activities

Help Children Apply Basic Concepts About Their World Through High-Level Thinking and Problem Solving

Following a Broad But Simple Concept

Problem Solving, Divergent Thinking, and Metacognition

Books as Lead-Ins to Thinking Activities

Problem Solving with Computer Programs


Do You Know?

Learning Activities

6 Advancing Communication Skills

Provide Activities That Promote Children's Speaking and Listening

Brain Research

Talk-Rich Environment

Listening with Intent

Helping Children Listen with Intent

Soundproofing the Room

Helping Children Become Speakers

Responsive versus Restrictive Language

Books as Lead-Ins to Responsive Language Activities

Books as Lead-Ins to Children Gaining Confidence

Books as Lead-Ins to the Need to Communicate

The Mix of Children

Video 6.1 Encouraging Conversation

Books as Lead-Ins to Children's Conversations

Help Dual Language Learners to Learn English

New Technology

Why Use Home Languages

Reading Bilingual Books

Books as Lead-Ins for Dual Language Activities

Provide Materials and Activities to Support Emergent Reading

Emergent Reading

Books to Motivate Listening

Word Play

Predictable Books

Reading Books to Children

Follow-Up Book Activities

Books as Lead-Ins to Story Reenactment

Provide Materials and Activities to Support Emergent Writing

Writing in Preschool

Book as a Lead-In to Writing Tools

Writing Behaviors

Taking Dictation

Children's Writing Activities

Books as Lead-Ins to Writing Activities

Alphabet Letters

Books as Lead-Ins to Alphabet Activities

Computer Alphabet Programs

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