Simple, Clear, and Correct: Essays, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 21, 2010) © 2011

  • William J. Kelly Bristol Community College

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Simple, Clear, and Correct: Essays provides a thorough, engaging introduction to writing college essays and research writing, presenting guidelines and explanations for each stage of the writing process.

The brief presentation (~288 pages) and low price (~$18 net*) of Simple, Clear, and Correct empower instructors with the flexibility to incorporate additional materials while choosing a text their students will benefit from and enjoy.  Author Bill Kelly, lead author of Pearson’s successful Discovery and Odyssey texts for developing writers, introduces students to the rhetorical modes and covers all the key elements of form that all writers must master in order to present ideas in a way that is immediately accessible and understandable for a reader.  Just as important, Simple, Clear, and Correct: Essays offers significant opportunities to practice each principle discussed, whether it’s generating ideas through prewriting, or using comparison and contrast, or avoiding sentence fragments.

* - price subject to change.
  • The brevity and low cost make Simple, Clear, and Correct available for a variety of uses from principal text to supplemental resource.
  • Bill Kelly’s tone, language, and genuine concern for students keeps the subject matter engaging, accessible, and easy to understand. 
  • Specific, relevant examples throughout each chapter easily illustrate foundational principles.
  • Meaningful writing activities, including plentiful topics for exploration, appear throughout the first two parts of the text.
  • Summary Exercises, ten-sentence passages that reinforce the concepts presented and provide significant practice that leads to mastery, close each chapter in Part III.
  • The material dealing with research activities outlines situations that require citing sources and documentation and illustrates the basic method of acknowledging sources in accordance with the MLA system of documentation.


Chapter 1:  Understanding the Essay:  Process and Product

Overview:  Understanding the Structure and Scope of the Essay

Recognizing the Relationship between Your Aim and Your Approach in an Essay

Understanding the Paragraph:  Definition and Explanation

Understanding the Structure of the Essay

Formatting Your Essay Properly

Dealing with a Writing Assignment:  Examining a Successful Essay

Chapter 2.   Prewriting

Overview:  Understanding Prewriting





Establishing Which Prewriting Technique Is Best for You

Chapter 3.  Composing

Overview:  Understanding the Composing Stage

Understanding the Nature of an Effective Thesis

Developing an Effective Topic Sentence

Drawing on Prewriting Material to Create a Draft Thesis 

Focusing on Strong Supporting Details and Examples

Amplifying:  Transforming Writer-Centered Ideas to Reader-Centered

Sentences and Paragraphs

Creating an Effective Introduction and Conclusion

Creating a Rough Draft and a First Draft

Chapter 4. Revising

Overview:  Understanding the Revising Stage

Reassessing for Unity, Coherence, and Language

Seeking Help from an Objective Reader


Editing:  Eliminating Errors

Looking Again at the Final Draft


Chapter 5.   Narration

Overview:  Understanding Narration

Provide Effective Transition

Employ Chronological Order

Use Appropriate Flashbacks and Flashforwards

Choose an Effective Point of View

Provide a thorough Presentation

Use a Narrative Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Narrative Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Narrative Essay

Chapter 6.   Description

Overview:  Understanding Description

The Elements of a Successful Descriptive Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Use Appropriate Sensory Details

Include Both Objective and Subjective Description

Provide a Thoroughly Developed and Focused Presentation

Employ Spatial Order or Some Other Appropriate Method of Organization

Use a Descriptive Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Descriptive Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Descriptive Essay  

Chapter 7.   Example

Overview:  Understanding Example

The Elements of a Successful Example Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Make Your Supporting Examples Specific

Supply Relevant Examples

Provide Multiple Examples

Arrange Your Examples Effectively

Use an Example Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Example Essay

Illustration:  Considering an Example Essay

Chapter 8.   Process

Overview:  Understanding Process

The Elements of a Successful Process Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Use the Imperative Mood When Appropriate

Divide the Process into Simple, Logical Steps

Specify What to Expect and What to Avoid

Rely on Linear Order

Use a Process Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Process Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Process Essay

Chapter 9.   Definition

Overview:  Understanding Definition

The Elements of a Successful Definition Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Understand the Elements of a Successful Definition

Consider Formal, Limited, and Extended Definition

Recognize Denotation and Connotations

Look to Synonyms, Etymology and Negation

Use a Definition Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Definition Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Definition Essay

Chapter 10.  Comparison and Contrast

Overview:  Understanding Comparison and Contrast

The Elements of a Successful Comparison and Contrast Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Specify Your Subjects and Focus

Establish a Basic for Comparison or Contrast

Include a Thorough Presentation

Choose the Correct Method of Arrangement

Use a Comparison and Contrast Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Comparison and Contrast Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Comparison and Contrast Essay

Chapter 11.  Cause and Effect

Overview:  Understanding Cause and Effect

The Elements of a Successful Cause and Effect Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Identify a Focus:  Cause or Effect

Distinguish between Direct and Related Causes and Effects

Avoid Oversimplifying Causes and Effects

Arrange Elements Effectively

Use a Cause and Effect Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Cause and Effect Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Cause and Effect Essay

Chapter 12.  Division and Classification

Overview:  Understanding Division and Classification

The Elements of a Successful Division and Classification Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Establish a Logical Method of Analysis

Maintain a Clear and Consistent Presentation

Include Distinct and Complete Elements of Analysis

Select an Appropriate Method of Arrangement

Use a Division and Classification Essay Checklist to Evaluate

Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Division and Classification Essay

Illustration:  Considering a Division and Classification Essay

Chapter 13.  Argument

Overview:  Understanding Argument–Aim Versus Mode

The Elements of a Successful Argument Essay

Provide Sufficient Transition

Declare a Clear Stance on the Issue

Develop Sufficient Valid Support

Recognize the Importance of Tone

Avoid Errors in Logic

Turn to Emphatic Order

Use an Argument Essay Checklist to Evaluate Your Draft

Analysis:  Examining an Annotated Argument Essay

Illustration:  Considering an Argument Essay


Chapter 14.  Timed Writing Tasks 

Overview:  Dealing with Essay Questions and Other In-Class Writings

Answering an Essay Question Effectively




Completing an In-Class Writing Assessment Effectively

Recognize the Difficulties Involved

Make Sure You Understand the Exact Assignment

Manage Your Time Effectively

Take Advantage of the Five-Paragraph Essay, if Appropriate

Proofread to Identify and Correct Errors in Form

Chapter 15.  Research Activities:  Development and Documentation

Understanding the Process for Drawing Information from Sources and

Documenting Them Correctly

Identifying and Narrowing Your Topic

Establishing a Plan

Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism

Exploring Sources

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

Incorporating Source Information in Your Writing

Direct Quotation



Documenting Your Sources Correctly According to the MLA


In the Text

At the End of the Document

Considering Citations for a Sampling of Documents


Chapter 16.  Parts of Speech and Parts and Types of Sentences

Chapter 17.  Fragments

Chapter 18.  Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences

Chapter 19.  Subject-Verb Agreement

Chapter 20.  Verb Use:  Basic Tenses, Irregular Forms, and Appropriate Voice

Chapter 21.  Noun and Pronoun Use

Chapter 22.  Adjectives, Adverbs, and Other Modifiers

Chapter 23.  Spelling

Chapter 24.  Parallelism

Chapter 25.  Punctuation and Capitalization

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