Sheet Metal, Level 4, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (January 10, 2020) © 2019


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Fume and Exhaust System Design, Welding and Brazing, Oxyfuel Cutting, Architectural Sheet Metal, Shop Production and Organization, Sheet Metal Business and Technology and Fundamentals of Crew Leadership.

Instructor Supplements

Downloadable instructor resources that include module tests, PowerPoints®, and performance profile sheets are available at

Module ID 04404 - Fume and Exhaust System Design

Exhaust systems are primarily used to move air

from inside a structure to the environment outside.

There are many reasons to exhaust air from

a building, with the removal of airborne fumes

and contaminants being a common goal. Several

categories of filtration and exhaust systems are

introduced here. Each type is effective or preferred

in one or more applications. Sheet metal

craftworkers should be familiar with the equipment

and duct systems used in exhaust and ventilation

applications. Depending on the application,

the duct fabrication and installation requirements

can be significantly different from those related

to conditioned-air distribution. (25 hours)


Module ID 04403 - Welding and Brazing

Welding and brazing are important skills for sheet

metal workers to learn. They are tasks that require

special training, practice, and a keen awareness

of the hazards involved. As a sheet metal trainee,

it is important to learn how to safely and properly

operate the equipment used for welding and

brazing as well as how to produce quality results.

Although it is unlikely that these tasks will be

performed continuously without a great deal of

additional training and practice, they are skills

that are essential when the need arises. (20 hours)



Module ID 29102 - Oxyfuel Cutting

Oxyfuel cutting is a method for cutting metal that

uses an intense flame produced by burning a mixture

of a fuel gas and pure oxygen. It is a versatile

metal cutting method that has many uses on job

sites. Because of the flammable gases and open

flame involved, there is a danger of fire and explosion

when oxyfuel equipment is used. However,

these risks can be minimized when the operator

is well-trained and knowledgeable about the

function and operation of each part of an oxyfuel

cutting outfit. (17.5 hours)


Module ID 04307 - Architectural Sheet Metal

This module introduces a variety of basic roofing

components, including flashing, gutters, and

downspouts, as well as the standing seam system

used for many metal roofs. All these components

work together to move water off a roof and

keep it from penetrating into vulnerable areas.

The included projects provide trainees an opportunity

to practice their lay out, fabrication, and

installation skills. Components such as roof decking

panels, wall cap flashing, roof edge flashing,

scuppers, and gutters are introduced, along with

basic guidance for their fabrication and installation.

(12.5 hours)



Module ID 04401 - Shop Production and Organization

To remain competitive in the construction industry,

a sheet metal shop must continually strive

to optimize the processes used to fabricate and

prepare materials for field installation. Optimization

includes attention to the physical layout of

the shop, planning sessions related to the unique

needs of current jobs, and the way that paperwork

and digital documentation is accomplished. This

module examines common production practices

used in sheet metal shops and the importance of

careful planning to best support the field installation

activities. (25 hours)


Module ID 04407 - Sheet Metal Business and Technology

The sheet metal and HVAC industries continue to

become increasingly competitive. Today’s client

expects projects to be finished faster and delivered

at a lower cost. This highly competitive market

is forcing the industry to find new ways to live

up to those expectations. One way that many companies

are doing so is by incorporating advancements

in software and technology into their

workflows. There are now various software tools

and platforms that HVAC companies are using to

enhance processes including design, estimation,

fabrication, installation and project documentation.

Since technology has become commonplace

in the industry, understanding its importance and

what it can do is important for all craftworkers.

(7.5 hours)


Module ID 46101 - Fundamentals of Crew Leadership

When a crew is assembled to complete a job, one

person is appointed the leader. This person is usually

an experienced craft professional who has

demonstrated leadership qualities. While having

natural leadership qualities helps in becoming an

effective leader, it is more true that “leaders are

made, not born.” Whether you are a crew leader

or want to become one, this module will help

you learn more about the requirements and skills

needed to succeed. (22.5 hours)

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