Employment Law: New Challenges in the Business Environment, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (January 23, 2013) © 2014

  • John J. Moran Wagner College


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For courses in Employment Law, Labor Law, and Human Resource Management.
See the principles of law through real-world applications. 
Moran approaches employment law with a focus on discrimination and employment regulation, presenting the principles of law in a logical succession and illustrating those principles with engaging real-world applications.
See the real-world context: Over fifty-five new cases have been added to this edition. Each case is followed by questions and commentary to help students understand the connection between the real-world context of the case and the concepts in the reading.
Present the material in an accessible order: The streamlined organization of this edition highlights core concepts in the beginning of each chapter with the cases sequenced in the second half.
Spark classroom discussions: Special features appear throughout each chapter to provoke thought and stimulate discussion.
  • Twenty-five “Ethical Issues” pose questions on the best way to resolve employment disputes in an ethical manner.
  • "In The News” highlights current topics involving employment law in the media.
  • Chapter Checklists appear in the beginning of each chapter to highlight the important principles students should take away from the reading.
  • Human Resource Advice illustrates employment law problems confronted by a small business.
  • A Hypothetical Scenario–involving a small business, its owners, and their attorney–is woven throughout the text. In each chapter, the owners are confronted with a legal challenge involving their employees. With the legal guidance of their attorney, they attempt to resolve the conflict.
  • Employee Lessons–located in the end-of-chapter material–address the issues that employers and employees should consider to minimize potential litigation.
Provide the material in a logical succession: Three-part presentation.
  • Part I sets the parameters of the relationship between employer, employee, and/or independent contractor–including the distinction between employer and independent contractor. The rights and duties of each party are spelled out in an employment contract along with the resulting liability should a breach occur.
  • Part II presents the Civil Rights Act, affirmative action, and the various forms of discrimination found in employment. The critical issues that are discussed include sexual harassment, racial discrimination, disability discrimination, and sexual orientation.  
  • Part III addresses government regulation of the workplace with regard to unions, collective bargaining, minimum and maximum wage hours, safety, health, compensation for injuries, and pension and health benefits.
Offer a new perspective: Place students in the role of human resource manager. The fifth edition encourages students to walk in the shoes of a human resource professional, taking the latest employment laws into consideration and making judgments that will best serve the interests of the employer and employees.
Keep it current: Many important changes have been addressed in this edition. Examples include:  
  • The independent contractor section of Chapter 1 was rewritten to incorporate the IRS’s 2006 condensation of its Twenty Factor Independent Contractor Test in three components: behavioral control, financial control, and relationship type.
  • A new section on Mediation has been added to Chapter 6 and the chapter title was changed from Arbitration to Alternative Dispute Resolution to more accurately reflect this new content.
Over 50 cases from 2010 to the present have been added to this edition. Each case is followed by case questions and commentary.
Over 50 additions to the Case Problems section have been made.
More than one half of the case problems at the end of the chapters are now from the year 2000 to the present.
Over 20 new “In the News” features from 2010 to the present have been added: one for each chapter.
Over 100 definitions are highlighted. These appear in the margin of each chapter.
Over 20 new Human Resource Dilemmas have been added; these are at the end of each chapter. Now each chapter has at least four human resource dilemmas.
In Chapter 2 , titled Selection, a new “Employment Perspective” explaining questions on job interviews was added to the section on Questioning; an expansion of the section on “Advertising and Recruitment” has been added; and additional language has been added to the sections titled “References” and “Background Checks” for the purpose of clarity.
In Chapter 7 , titled Civil Rights Act, a new section has been added on Veterans Discrimination.
In Chapter 13 , titled Sexual Orientation, a list of states protecting sexual orientation and transgendered individuals has been placed in the text.
In Chapter 14 , titled Religious Discrimination, a new section, “Workplace Religious Freedom Act,” has been added.
In Chapter 17 , titled Disability Discrimination, a “Model Company Policy Dealing with the Disabled” was added. The section on disclosure and preventive planning was rewritten, and an explanation of a key term under the ADA “substantially limited” was expanded by a full paragraph.
In Chapter 19 , titled Wage and Hour Regulation, there is an update of the minimum wage laws and child farm labor restrictions.
In Chapter 20 , titled Occupational Safety and Health, a new section on “Record Keeping of Deaths and Injuries” was added.

Brief Contents


  1. Employment Relationship
  2. Selection
  3. Testing
  4. Privacy, Theft, and Whistle-Blowing
  5. Termination
  6. Alternative Dispute Resolution


  1. Civil Rights Act
  2. Affirmative Action
  3. Racial Discrimination
  4. Sex Discrimination
  5. Sexual Harassment
  6. Pregnancy Discrimination and Family and Medical Leave
  7. Sexual Orientation
  8. Religious Discrimination
  9. National Origin Discrimination
  10. Age Discrimination
  11. Disability Discrimination


  1. Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements
  2. Wage and Hour Regulation
  3. Occupational Safety and Health
  4. Workers’ Compensation
  5. Employee Benefits

Case Index

Subject Index

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