Real World Print Production with Adobe Creative Cloud, 1st edition

Published by Peachpit Press (December 21, 2013) © 2014

  • Claudia McCue



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Students will sharpen their print production skills with this definitive resource that will help them create files using the Adobe Creative Cloud, including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat and output for printing.

Completely updated for CS6 and the CC, this book also helps students with some print experience tackle more complex projects. The book covers all the Adobe Suite programs they need to know to produce successful projects, rather than buying 4 or 5 different books.

This book is considered the complete resource for understanding the print cycle, how ink works on paper, managing fonts, using color spaces, handling images, and preparing files for print or electronic output.

Print expert Claudia McCue shares her hands-on techniques to prepare files, edit photos and graphics, and prevent common problems without missing a deadline. This book is brimming with insightful advice, illustrations, and shortcuts that will have students quickly and professionally producing work in no time.

Covers: Acrobat XI, InDesign CC, Photoshop CC, and Illustrator CC for Macintosh and Windows

Chapter 1: Life Cycle of a Print Job

Chapter 2: Ink on Paper

Chapter 3: Binding and Finishing

Chapter 4: Preparing Raster Images

Chapter 5: Vector Graphics

Chapter 6: Fonts

Chapter 7: Cross-Platform Issues

Chapter 8: Job Submission

Chapter 9: The Creative Cloud

Chapter 10: Photoshop CC Production Tips

Chapter 11: Illustrator CC Production

Chapter 12: InDesign CC Production Tips

Chapter 13: Acrobat Production Tips

Appendix: Print Production Resources

Claudia McCue is a prepress pro with more than 25 years of hands-on experience. She is the owner of Practicalia, an independent training provider specialising in Adobe products, retouching and colour correction, and resolving general issues related to prepress and printing. She is a popular speaker on these topics at industry conferences.

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