Principalship, The: New Roles in a Professional Learning Community, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 23, 2009) © 2010

  • Joe Matthews
  • Gary M. Crow

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The Principalship includes the following features:

  • Vignettes in every chapter present each of the eight conceptualized roles of the principal and assistant principal and provide readers with realistic experiences and professional scenarios, allowing them to bridge theory and practice.
  • Professional dilemma features in each chapter based on realistic school settings encourage a deeper and more complex consideration of the concepts and leadership decisions discussed in the text and teach students how these topics will translate into making on-the-job decisions.
  • End-of-chapter question sets inspire self-reflection, peer-reflection, and class discussion while students think critically about the concepts they have just learned, both as individuals and in a larger group.
  • ISLCC standards alignment, referred to consistently throughout the text, allows students and instructors to pair standards with chapter concepts.


New Conceptions of the Principalship in a Professional Learning Community



Role Conceptions

Principalship and Leadership

The Definition of Leadership

Professional Learning Community

Principals and Professional Learning Community in a Global, Knowledge Society

Learning about Leadership

Principal Leadership in Practice

Eight Role Conceptions for the Principalship

Principal as Learner

Principal as Culture Builder

Principal as Advocate

Principal as Leader

Principal as Mentor

Principal as Supervisor

Principal as Manager

Principal as Politician



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities




Historical View of the Principal’s Role



Origin of the Principalship

Origin of the Assistant Principal Role

Women and Minorities in the Principalship

Interacting Elements that Have Influenced the Principal’s Role

Changing Social Demographics of Cities and Schools

Academic Study and State Licensure Requirements

Professional Associations

Practice of School Leaders

Conceptual Frameworks Influencing the Principalship Role

Moral and Ethical Leadership

Social and Community Leadership

Instructional Leadership

School Reform and Implications to the Role of School Principals

Contemporary Conditions and Implications



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Professional Learning Communities as School Reform



Educational Reform and Professional Learning Communities

Understanding Community

Various Models of a Professional Learning Community

Elements in a Professional Learning Community

The Case for Professional Learning Communities

Barriers to the Development of Professional Learning Communities

The Principal’s Role in Developing a Professional Learning Community in a School

The Principal’s Focus on Student Learning

Principal’s and Assistant Principal’s Functions in Developing and Facilitating Professional Learning Communities



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



The Principal as Learner



Learning: Transmission versus Construction

The Traditional Conception of Learning

The Constructivist Conception of Learning

Adult Learning

Principal as Learner

Importance of Learning in a Knowledge Society

Four Components of Principal as Learner

Principal as Facilitator

Supporting a Professional Learning Community to Enhance Learning Capacity

Schools as Learning Organizations

Principal’s Role in Facilitating Learning Organizations

The Roles of the Assistant Principal and Teacher Leaders for Building and Cultivating Learning Capacity

Principal’s role with teacher leaders



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities


Table 4.2 Senge’s Five Disciplines

Senge’s Five Disciplines

Personal mastery

Mental models

Building shared vision

Team learning

Systems thinking- The Fifth Discipline that integrates the other 4



Principal as Culture Builder



A Cultural Perspective for Learning in Community

Defining School Culture

Understanding a School’s Existing Culture

Toxic Cultures

Outcomes of Strong School Cultures

Principal Leadership in Creating, Maintaining, and Changing Culture

Creating School Culture

Maintaining School Culture

Changing School Culture

The Principal Facilitating Others in Understanding and Developing Culture

Facilitating Internal Veterans in Understanding and Developing Culture

Facilitating Newcomers in Understanding and Developing Culture

Facilitating External Constituents in Understanding and Developing Culture

Facilitating a Culture Change

Leadership Teams as Culture-Builders



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities




Principal as Advocate



Social Justice as a Basis for Advocacy

Components of Social Justice

Social Justice in a Professional Learning Community

Leadership as Transformative

Definition and Elements of Advocacy

The Moral Criteria for Advocacy

The Legal Criterion for Advocacy

The Thoughtfulness Criterion for Advocacy

Principals and Social Justice

Your Own Identity Within a Social Justice Context

Barriers to the Role Within a Social Justice Context

Priorities Within a Social Justice Context

Principal as Advocate

Advocate for the Whole Child and for All Students

Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity

Religious Diversity

Language Diversity

Poverty and Social Class


Sexual Orientation

Students with Special Needs

Gifted and Talented Students

Students Placed At-Risk

Being an Advocate for the School

Multicultural Education Programs

Bilingual Education

Special Education

Gifted and Talented Programs

Title I

Alternative Education Programs

Advocate for the Community

Principal as Facilitator of Others’ Advocacy



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities




Becoming a Leader in a Professional Learning Community



The Nature of Principal Leadership

Leadership from External Sources

Leadership from Internal Sources

Principal Leadership

Leadership Literature

Popular Literature

Professional Literature

Scholarly Literature

Research on Leadership

Trait Approaches

Behavior Approaches

Contingency Approaches

Leadership as a Relationship

Leadership as an Organizational Feature

Moral Leadership

How Useful Is Research on Leadership?

The Purpose of Principal Leadership

Defining Significant School Change and Reform

Creating a Collective Vision

Principal Leadership in Vision Building

The Principal’s Roles as Visionary Leader

The Dark Side of Visions

Challenges of Vision Building

Communicating the Vision

Principal as Facilitator of Leadership in Others

Teacher Empowerment

Facilitating Others in Vision Building

Facilitating Others in Collaboration

Approaches to Collaborative Decision Making

Collaborative Teaming



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Chapter 8

The Principal as Mentor



Introduction to Mentoring

The Nature of Mentoring

Mentoring Roles and Functions

Participants of Mentoring

Content of Mentoring

Processes of Mentoring

Benefits and Pitfalls of Mentoring

Benefits of Mentoring

Pitfalls of Mentoring

The Principal’s Role in Mentoring

Mentoring New Teachers

Mentoring New Teachers in Professional Development

Reflective Mentoring

Mentoring New Teachers in Psychosocial Development

Mentoring New Teachers in Career Development

Selecting and Matching Teachers to Be Mentors: Two Perspectives

Mentor Training

Providing Support for Peer Mentoring

Mentoring Veteran Teachers

Mentoring Teacher Teams

The Principal as Facilitator of Mentoring of Veteran Teachers

Principal as Mentor of Students



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Chapter 9

Principal as Supervisor



Traditional Role of Principal as Supervisor

Historical Overview of the Supervisor’s Role

Elements of the Traditional Role of Principal as Supervisor

Traditional Supervisory Role of the Assistant Principal

The Principal’s Role in Direct Supervision: An Innovative Conception

Overview of the Innovative Role of Supervisor

Establishing a System of Accountability

Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Capable and Committed Educators

Retaining Qualified Teachers

Promoting Educator Growth

Fostering Teacher Practical Knowledge



Establishing Trust

Evaluating Educational Results

The Regular Collection and Analysis of Student Performance Data

The Principal’s Role as Facilitator of Supervision

Why Supervision Should Be Shared

Elements of the Principal’s Role as Facilitator of Supervision

Establishing a System of Accountability

Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Capable and Committed Educators

Promoting Educator Growth

Building Trust with the Leadership Team

Evaluating Educational Results



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Chapter 10

Principal as Manager



The Principalship and Management Roots

Managing the Unexpected in a Professional Learning Community

Principal’s Direct Role in Managing the Unexpected

Supporting Information

Direct Role in Implementing the Professional Learning Community


Taking Action

Evaluating and Assessing

Managing through Technology

The Principal as Facilitator of Others in Management of a Professional Learning Community

Facilitating Support

Facilitating Others in Planning and Taking Action

Facilitating Others in Evaluating and Assessing

Institutionalizing a Professional Learning Community



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Chapter 11



Thinking Politically

Principal as Politician In the Society

Schools as Political Systems

Schools as Civil Societies

Schools as Democratic Institutions

Role of Principal as Politician in Society

Principal as Politician in the Community

Views of School-Community Relationships

Role of Principal as Politician in the Community

Principal as Politician In the District

Role of Principal as Politician in the District

Principal as Politician In the School

Role of Principal as Politician in the School

Assistant Principals as Politicians

The Principal as Facilitator of Others as Politicians

In the Society

In the Community

In the District

In the School

Building Social Capital in Professional Learning Communities





Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities



Chapter 12

Becoming an Innovative Principal in a Professional Learning Community



Socialization: Learning a New Role

Nature of Socialization

Sources of Socialization

Stages of Socialization

Methods of Socialization

Individual Influences

Outcomes of Socialization

Focus of Socialization Outcomes

Types of Outcomes

Becoming a New Assistant Principal

Distinctive Features of the Socialization of Assistant Principals

Becoming a New Principal

Content of Socialization

Sources of Socialization

Stages of Socialization

Methods of Socialization

Outcomes of Socialization

Becoming an Innovative Mid-Career Principal

Unique Features of Mid-Career Socialization

Learning to Be an Innovative Principal at Mid-Career



Self Reflection Activity

Peer Reflection Activities



Chapter 13

Looking to the Future as a Principal



Societal Trends

Future Scenarios for the Principalship and Schools



Self Reflection Activities

Peer Reflection Activities

Course Activities

Joseph Matthews is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations at Brigham Young University. Dr. Matthews teaches courses in school principalship, leadership theory, and supervision. He has written for both national and regional publications co-authored three books: Being and Becoming a Principal (2003, Allyn & Bacon); Leadership: A Relevant and Realistic Role for Principals (1996, Eye on Education); and Finding One’s Way: How Mentoring Can Lead to Dynamic Leadership (1998, Corwin Press).He has served as a high school teacher and principal in three different states.

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