Network Automation Made Easy, 1st edition

Published by Cisco Press (November 4, 2021) © 2022

  • Ivo Pinto
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Practical strategies and techniques for automating network infrastructure

As networks grow ever more complex, network professionals are seeking to automate processes for configuration, management, testing, deployment, and operation. Using automation, they aim to lower expenses, improve productivity, reduce human error, shorten time to market, and improve agility. In this guide, expert practitioner Ivo Pinto presents all the concepts and techniques students will need to move their entire physical and virtual infrastructure towards greater automation and maximize the value it delivers.

Writing for experienced professionals, the author reviews today's leading use cases for automation, compares leading tools, and presents a deep dive into using the open source Ansible engine to automate common tasks. Students will find everything they need: from practical code snippets to real-world case studies to a complete methodology for planning strategy.

This guide is for everyone seeking to improve network operations and productivity, including system, network, storage, and virtualization administrators, network and security engineers, and many other technical professionals and managers. Students can apply its vendor-neutral concepts throughout their entire environment--from servers to the cloud, switches to security.

  • Explore modern use cases for network automation, and compare today's most widely used automation tools
  • Capture essential data for use in network automation, using standard formats such as JSON, XML, and YAML
  • Get more value from the data their networks can provide
  • Install Ansible and master its building blocks, including plays, tasks, modules, variables, conditionals, loops, and roles
  • Perform common networking tasks with Ansible playbooks: manage files, devices, VMs, cloud constructs, APIs, and more
  • See how Ansible can be used to automate even the largest global network architectures
  • Transform their approach to automation—and create a new NetDevOps pipeline, step by step
  • Build a network automation strategy from the ground up, reflecting lessons from the world's largest enterprises
    Introduction xvii

Chapter 1 Types of Network Automation 1

    Data-Driven Automation 2

    Task-Based Automation 11

    End-to-End Automation 16

    Tools 22

    Summary 39

    Review Questions 40

Chapter 2 Data for Network Automation 43

    The Importance of Data 43

    Data Formats and Models 44

    Methods for Gathering Data 66

    Summary 84

    End Notes 84

    Review Questions 85

Chapter 3 Using Data from Your Network 87

    Data Preparation 87

    Data Visualization 100

    Data Insights 104

    Case Studies 112

    Summary 116

    Review Questions 117

Chapter 4 Ansible Basics 119

    Ansible Characteristics 119

    Installing Ansible 120

    Variables 126

    Playbooks 131

    Conditionals 133

    Loops 136

    Handlers 140

    Executing a Playbook 143

    Roles 149

    Summary 152

    Review Questions 153

Chapter 5 Using Ansible for Network Automation 155

    Interacting with Files 155

    Interacting with Devices 160

    Interacting with APIs 187

    Case Studies 189

    Summary 195

    Review Questions 196

Chapter 6 Network DevOps 199

    What NetDevOps Is 199

    NetDevOps Tools 214

    How to Build Your Own NetDevOps Environment 228

    Case Studies 233

    Summary 238

    Review Questions 238

Chapter 7 Automation Strategies 241

    What an Automation Strategy Is 241

    Why You Need an Automation Strategy 250

    How to Build Your Own Automation Strategy 251

    How to Use an Automation Strategy 268

    Summary 270

    Review Questions 271

Appendix A Answers to Review Questions 273

TOC, 9780137455928, 10/5/2021

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