Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web Applications, 1st edition

Published by Microsoft Press (January 4, 2016) © 2016

  • Vittorio Bertocci



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Modern Authentication with Active Directory delivers comprehensive guidance for building complete solutions. Balancing theory with concrete code-level guidance, the author paints a complete picture -- placing individual tasks in context, explaining how disparate tasks fit together, helping students choose and design solutions, and demonstrating how to implement it reliably, safely, and efficiently.

  • Students will master authentication for the cloud, OAuth2 and OpenId Connect protocols, and the latest application paradigms (mobile, SaaS, Single Page Apps, and beyond)
  • Combines exhaustive explanations of underlying protocols and technologies with hands-on guidance and in-depth code-level coverage
  • By Windows Azure Principal Program Manager Vittorio Bertocci -- the Microsoft insider who brought these new authentication offerings from concept to general availability
This is a new book. Many potential readers will recognize it as the next generation replacement for Vittorio Bertocci's highly-praised Programming Windows Identity Foundation (Microsoft Press, 2010).
  • Chapter 1: Your first Active Directory app  
  • Chapter 2: Identity protocols and application types
  • Chapter 3: Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active Directory Federation Services
  • Chapter 4: Introducing the identity developer libraries
  • Chapter 5: Getting started with web sign-on and Active Directory
  • Chapter 6: OpenID Connect and Azure AD web sign-on 
  • Chapter 7: The OWIN OpenID Connect middleware
  • Chapter 8: Azure Active Directory application model 
  • Chapter 9: Consuming and exposing a web API protected by Azure Active Directory
  • Chapter 10: Active Directory Federation Services in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3
  • Appendix: Further reading 
  • Index

Vittorio Bertocci is principal program manager on the Azure Active Directory team, where he works on the developer experience: Active Directory Authentication  Library (ADAL), OpenID Connect and OAuth2 OWIN components in ASP.NET, Azure AD  integration in various Visual Studio work streams, and other things he can’t tell you about (yet). Vittorio joined the product team after years as a virtual member in his role as principal architect evangelist, during which time he contributed to the inception and launch of Microsoft’s claims-based platform components (Windows Identity Foundation, ADFS 2.0) and owned SaaS and identity evangelism for the .NET developers community.
Vittorio holds a Master's degree in computer science and began his career doing research on computational geometry and scientific visualization. In 2001 he joined Microsoft Italy, where he focused on the .NET platform and the nascent field of web services security, becoming a recognized expert at the national and European level.
Vittorio is easy to spot at conferences. He has spoken about identity in 23 countries on four continents, from keynote addresses to one-on-one meetings with customers. Vittorio is a regular speaker at Ignite, Build, Microsoft PDC, TechEd (US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan), TechDays, Gartner Summit, European Identity Conference, IDWorld, OreDev, NDC, IASA, Basta, and many others. At the moment his Channel 9 speaker page at lists 44 recordings.
Vittorio is a published author, both in the academic and industry worlds, and has written many articles and papers. He is the author of Programming Windows Identity Foundation (Microsoft Press, 2010) and coauthor of "A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control" (Microsoft patterns & practices, 2010) and Understanding Windows Cardspace (Addison-Wesley, 2008). He is a prominent authority and blogger on identity, Azure, .NET development, and related topics: he shares his thoughts at and via his twitter feed,
Vittorio lives in the lush green of Redmond with his wife, Iwona. He doesn’t mind the gray skies too much, but every time he has half a chance, he flies to some place on the beach, be it the South Pacific or Camogli, his home town in Italy.

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