Martin Luther: A Life Reformed, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 30, 2009) © 2010

  • Paul W. Robinson
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This biography is a great addition to a Renaissance/Reformation course.

The newest installment to the World Biography Series, this book profiles the life of Martin Luther and the impact he had on world events during his lifetime and long after.

Concise and incisive, each interpretive biography in the Library of World Biography Series focuses on a person whose actions and ideas either significantly influenced world events or whose life reflects important themes and developments in global history.  

Editor’s Preface

Author’s Preface

Chapter One: The Monk (1483—1511)


Early Life

The University of Erfurt

Conversion to Monasticism

The Erfurt Augustinians

Anfechtungen and the Study of Theology

Journey to Rome

Writing History: Erikson’s Young Martin Luther

Luther in His Own Words: 1545 Preface to a collection of Luther’s works in Latin

Chapter Two: The Professor (1512-1519)




Lectures on the Bible

The Indulgence Controversy

The Heidelberg Disputation and the Critique of Scholasticism

The Leipzig Disputation and the Question of Authority

The Beginning of Luther’s Papal Trial

Writing History: The Date of Luther’s Breakthrough

Luther in His Own Words: A Selection from the Leipzig Disputation

Chapter Three: The Reformer (1520-1521)


1520: Luther establishes himself as a reformer

The Imperial Diet of 1521 at Worms

Luther at Wartburg Castle

Excurus: Printing and the Reformation

Luther in His Own Words

Chapter Four: The Reformer (1522-1529)

Unrest in Wittenberg and Luther’s Return

Temporal Authority and the Spread of the Reformation

The Peasants’ War


The Bondage of Will

Reforming the Church in Saxony

The Marburg Colloquy

Writing History: The German Peasants’ War

Chapter Four: The Preacher (1530-1546)


Attempts to Enforce the Edict of Worms

War against France

The Turks Attack Vienna

The Diet of Augsburg

The Religious Peace of Nuremberg (1532)

Against the Anabaptists

Health and Home

University Life and Lectures

The Controversy with Agricola

The Wittenberg Concord

Called to a Council

The Bigamy of Philip of Hesse

The Colloquies

Luther and the Jews

Luther’s Death

Writing History: Medieval or Modern?

Luther in His Own Words: Sermon in Castle Pleissenburg

A Note on the Sources



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