Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Private and Public Sectors, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 5, 2012) © 2013

  • Michael R. Carrell Northern Kentucky University
  • Christina Heavrin


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For undergraduate and graduate courses in labor relations and collective bargaining.
Bring your best case to the table by putting theory into practice with this guide to labor relations, unions, and collective bargaining.
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice, and Law
introduces students to collective bargaining and labor relations. This text is concerned with application, as well as coverage of labor history, laws, and practices.
For undergraduate and graduate courses in labor relations and collective bargaining.
Bring your best case to the table by putting theory into practice with this guide to labor relations, unions, and collective bargaining.
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice, and Law
introduces students to collective bargaining and labor relations. This text is concerned with application, as well as coverage of labor history, laws, and practices.
  • Labor News: These chapter-opening articles help students understand the gravity of labor relations and the associated collective bargaining agreements. Recent labor events covered include:
o    United Auto Workers (UAW) and GM, Chrysler, and Ford
o    Hollywood and the Writers Guild of Americao    All China Federation of Trade Unions and Wal-Mart
  • Chapter Cases: These short case studies connect the chasm between theory and practice so students can see how laws are actually applied.
  • Tips from the Experts: The insights offered by real labor relation professionals show students how lessons can be applied in the real world.
  • Labor Profiles: Short biographies of leaders in the field give students an understanding of the historical development of labor relations in the United States.
  • Public Sector Coverage: Every chapter features a section that compares labor relations in the private sector to the public sector.
  • You Be the Arbitrator: This experiential exercise allows students to assume the role of an arbitrator.
  • Case Studies: The facts of these actual cases are given, but the final decisions are not so that students have a chance to argue the case for themselves and decide on a ruling.
Other topics of distinction
  • Chapter on Bargaining Techniques: Students are provided with tactics to use at the bargaining table, giving them the skills they need for effective negotiation.
  • In-Chapter Column Definitions: This redesign of the chapter layout provides students with quick access to terms and definitions specific to labor relations.
  • Simulation: A simulation based upon a real agreement negotiated by the authors between the Fraternal Order of Police and the Louisville Metro Police Department is included in Appendix B of the text. Students can learn first-hand how to deal with contract negotiations and practice their bargaining techniques. The entire agreement can also be accessed via the book's Companion Website at 
  • Additional Contract Provisions: Twenty provisions from contracts have been added to the text to familiarize students with current labor trends.
  • NLRB & Court Decisions: New decisions have been added throughout the text to keep students current with the state of labor relations law.
  • Certification Process Discussion: New coverage of the ways in which a union may be certified to represent employees has been added.

NEW! Offer students the latest information:
  • Chapter 1 contains a  new introduction to the field of labor relations which explains what the field of labor relations is and why all students need to learn this text's important information and concepts regardless of their professional interests. In addition, the chapter discusses the pros and cons of labor unions, and why people join unions.
  • Chapter 3 is a new chapter that defines the public sector labor relations (local, state, federal government) and the history of public sector labor relations. In addition, this chapter outlines important contrasts between private and public sector labor relations.
  • Chapter 5 includes an explanation of the two primary methods of negotiation: distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining. Practical “real life” examples are included in this chapter.
  • Chapter 5 includes a discussion of ethics in negotiations.
  • Chapter 6 includes a new section on conflict resolution techniques; mediation, arbitration, fact finding. As an alternative to an impasse, these techniques are explained and their advantages and disadvantages presented.
  • Chapter 9 includes coverage of social media usage by employees, which has become a growing job security issue. Increasing use of Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc. has caused employers develop and negotiate new policies to address productivity and legal concerns.

Brief Contents

Part I: Labor Relations Overview

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Labor Relations
  • Chapter 2: History and Law of Labor Relations in the Private Sector
  • Chapter 3: Public Sector Labor Relations: History & Laws

Part II: The Collective Bargaining Process

  • Chapter 4: Establishing a Bargaining Unit and the Organizing Campaign
  • Chapter 5: Negotiation Models, Strategies, and Tactics
  • Chapter 6: Negotiating a Collective Bargaining Agreement

Part III: Cost of Labor Contracts

  • Chapter 7: Wage and Salary Issues
  • Chapter 8: Employee Benefits
  • Chapter 9: Job Security and Seniority

Part IV: The Labor Relations Process in Action

  • Chapter 10: Unfair Labor Practices and Contract Enforcement
  • Chapter 11: Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Chapter 12: The Arbitration Process
  • Chapter 13: Comparative Global Industrial Relations

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