Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (November 1, 2021) © 2022

  • David Greenhalgh
  • Josh Skeen
  • Andrew Bailey


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In this book students will learn to work effectively with the Kotlin language through carefully considered examples designed to teach them elegant style and features of Kotlin.

Starting from first principles, they will work their way to advanced usage of Kotlin, empowering them to create programs that are more reliable with less code.

  • Students will take full advantage of the expressivity, power, and interoperability of Kotlin to create higher quality apps with less coding
  • Move from first principles to advanced techniques, one step at a time
  • Includes cutting-edge coverage of Kotlin Standard Library, functional programming, platform-independent Kotlin, and more

  • Introducing Kotlin
  • Your First Kotlin Application
  • Variables, Constants, and Types
  • Conditionals
  • Functions
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Null Safety and Exceptions
  • Lambda Expressions and the Function Type
  • Lists and Sets
  • Maps
  • Functional Programming Basics
  • Scope Functions
  • Classes
  • Initialization
  • Inheritance
  • Objects, Data Classes, and Enums
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  • Generics
  • Extensions
  • Coroutines
  • Flows
  • Channels
  • Java Interoperability
  • Introduction to Kotlin Multiplatform
  • Kotlin/Native
  • Kotlin/JS
  • Afterword
  • Glossary

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