Introductory Chemistry: Concepts and Critical Thinking, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (January 3, 2013) © 2014

  • Charles H. Corwin American River College



  • Activate learning for future scientists
  • Tailor your course to fit your needs
  • Support students with guided practice
  • Chemistry is presented in a clear and interesting way, encouraging students to leave their first chemistry course with a positive impression, new skills, and the desire to learn more.
  • Flexible chapter construction enables a seamless presentation of alternate sequences. For example, the interlude labeled Prerequisite Science Skills can be integrated into the instructor’s syllabus to ensure their students have the foundational knowledge to be successful in the course. 
  • Concept Exercises accompany all example and practice exercises, presenting each topic at a higher level.
  • Critical thinking vignettes  feature such diverse topics as nuclear medicine, bottled water and neon lights — and self-tests at the end of each chapter help students hone their critical thinking skills.
  • Strategy Plans and Unit Analysis Maps, in selected example exercises in the quantitative chapters reinforce steps 1, 2, and 3 for every calculation, give students a method they can use when solving certain types of problems:

-  Step 1: The unit asked for in the answer.

-  Step 2: The relevant given value.

-  Step 3: The unit conversion factor(s).

  • Using the unit analysis method, Two-Column Example Exercises show students a logical way to apply the three-step problem solving access in some of the worked-out example problems.
  • Comprehensive problem-solving support includes visual problem-solving strategies, problem-solving organizers and a plethora of exercises to help students improve their problem-solving skills in a variety of ways to ease the experience of learning chemistry.
  • Problem Solving Organizers are found at the end of certain chapters dealing with calculations. In the first column is a synopsis of the types of calculations in the chapter. In the second column is the correct procedure for solving each type of problem covered in the chapter. In the third column is an illustrated example of the problem type.
  • The format of the Example Exercises demonstrates concepts and critical thinking: Example Exercise, Solution, Practice Exercise, Concept Exercise.
  • Key Concepts help students identify the core concepts of chemistry and guide their conceptual understanding of these topics.
  • Macro/Micro and molecular art helps students connect the things they encounter in everyday life (the macro view) with depictions of molecules that chemists visualize every day (the micro view). In Corwin's text, the two representations are presented together.
  • Atomic/molecular graphics demonstrate macroscopic/molecular relationships, and help students connect the seen and unseen world of chemistry.
  • "Chemistry Connections" are vignettes that cover industrial processes, consumer chemistry, historical profiles, environmental concerns, and more. They familiarize students with motivational, real-world applications that emphasize the important role of chemistry in everyday life.
  • Online exercises at the end of chapter provide web-based collaborative activities to help students develop critical thinking skills.
  • Expanded Chapter Openers now include an “Elements and the Environment” feature with photos and descriptions of elements that play a prominent role in the environment.
  • Streamlined single-section coverage of scientific measurements (contains parts of former Ch. 2) focuses on seven prerequisite math skills:
    • PSS.1 Measurements
    • PSS.2 Significant Digits
    • PSS.3 Rounding Off Nonsignificant Digits
    • PSS.4 Adding and Subtracting Measurements
    • PSS.5 Multiplying and Dividing Measurements
    • PSS.6 Exponential Numbers
    • PSS.7 Scientific Notation
  • Learning Objectives table at the end of each chapter correlated to sections and the end of chapter exercises for a greater connection between concepts and problems.
  • New Ch. 15 (Advanced Problem Solving) provides a comprehensive treatment of problem solving, including chemical formula and equation calculations, multiple-reaction stoichiometry, and advanced problem-solving examples and strategies.
  • The text’s discussion of scientific notation and significant digits now appears in an Appendix.
  • Updated and expanded end-of-chapter material includes new Challenging Exercises and web-based collaborative activities, titled Online Exercises, to help students develop both critical thinking and interpersonal skills.
  • Updated Chemistry Connections demonstrate how chemistry is part of our day-to-day activities and real-world events. Topics range from the Olympics and nanotechnology to Avogadro’s Number.
  • Updated Self-Tests conclude each chapter with Review Exercises (multiple-choice), Key Concepts questions (short answer), and Critical Thinking questions (short answer).

1          Introduction to Chemistry  

1.1        Evolution of Chemistry  

1.2        Modern Chemistry  


1.3        Learning Chemistry  


Summary      •   Key Terms      •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


Prerequisite Science Skills  

PSS.1   Measurements

PSS.2   Significant Digits

PSS.3   Rounding Off Nonsignificant Digits

PSS.4   Adding and Subtracting Measurements

PSS.5   Multiplying and Dividing Measurements

PSS.6   Exponential Numbers

PSS.7   Scientific Notation


2          The Metric System  

2.1        Basic Units and Symbols

CRITICAL THINKING The International System of Measurement (SI)

2.2        Metric Conversion Factors

2.3        Metric—Metric Conversions

2.4        Metric—English Conversions



2.5        The Percent Concept

2.6        Volume by Calculation

2.7        Volume by Displacement

2.8        The Density Concept

2.9        Temperature

2.10      The Heat Concept

Summary     •   Problem-Solving Organizer  

Key Terms      •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


3          Matter and Energy  

3.1        Physical States of Matter  

3.2        Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures  

3.3        Names and Symbols of the Elements  

CRITICAL THINKING Aluminum or Aluminium?  

3.4        Metals, Nonmetals, and Semimetals  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Elements 104 and Beyond  

3.5        Compounds and Chemical Formulas  

3.6        Physical and Chemical Properties  

3.7        Physical and Chemical Changes  

3.8        Conservation of Mass  

3.9        Potential and Kinetic Energy  

3.10      Conservation of Energy  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Recycling Aluminum   

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


4          Models of the Atom  

4.1        Dalton Model of the Atom  


4.2        Thomson Model of the Atom  

4.3        Rutherford Model of the Atom  

4.4        Atomic Notation  

4.5        Atomic Mass  


4.6        The Wave Nature of Light  

4.7        The Quantum Concept  

4.8        Bohr Model of the Atom  


4.9        Energy Levels and Sublevels  

4.10      Electron Configuration  

4.11      Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom  

Summmary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


5          The Periodic Table  

5.1        Classification of Elements  


5.2        The Periodic Law Concept  

5.3        Groups and Periods of Elements   


5.4        Periodic Trends  

5.5        Properties of Elements  

5.6        Blocks of Elements  

5.7        Valence Electrons  

5.8        Electron Dot Formulas  

5.9        Ionization Energy  

5.10      Ionic Charges  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Evolution of Chemical Elements  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


6          Language of Chemistry  

6.1        Classification of Compounds  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Antoine and Marie Lavoisier  

6.2        Monoatomic Ions  

6.3        Polyatomic Ions  

6.4        Writing Chemical Formulas  

CRITICAL THINKING Nutritional Potassium  

6.5        Binary Ionic Compounds  

6.6        Ternary Ionic Compounds  

6.7        Binary Molecular Compounds  

6.8        Binary Acids  

6.9        Ternary Oxyacids  


Summary   •   Nomenclature Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


7          Chemical Reactions  


7.1        Evidence for Chemical Reactions  

7.2        Writing Chemical Equations  

7.3        Balancing Chemical Equations  

7.4        Classifying Chemical Reactions  

7.5        Combination Reactions  

7.6        Decomposition Reactions  

7.7        The Activity Series Concept  

7.8        Single-Replacement Reactions  

7.9        Solubility Rules  

7.10      Double-Replacement Reactions  

7.11      Neutralization Reactions  

CRITICAL THINKING Household Chemicals  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises   

Chapter Self-Test  


8          The Mole Concept  

8.1        Avogadro’s Number  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Analogies for Avogadro’s Number  

8.2        Mole Calculations I  

8.3        Molar Mass  

8.4        Mole Calculations II  

8.5        Molar Volume  

8.6        Mole Calculations III  

8.7        Percent Composition  

8.8        Empirical Formula  

8.9        Molecular Formula  

CRITICAL THINKING Avogadro’s Number  

Summary   •   Problem—Solving Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


9          Chemical Equation Calculations  

9.1        Interpreting a Chemical Equation  

9.2        Mole—Mole Relationships  

CRITICAL THINKING Iron versus Steel  

9.3        Types of Stoichiometry Problems  

9.4        Mass—Mass Problems  

9.5        Mass—Volume Problems  

9.6        Volume—Volume Problems  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Manufacturing Ammonia  

9.7        Limiting Reactant Concept  

9.8        Limiting Reactant Problems  

9.9        Percent Yield  

Summary   •   Problem-Solving Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


10         Gases

10.1      Properties of Gases  

10.2      Atmospheric Pressure  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  The Greenhouse Effect  

10.3      Variables Affecting Gas Pressure  

10.4      Boyle’s Law: Pressure—Volume Relationships  


10.5      Charles’s Law: Volume—Temperature Relationships  

10.6      Gay-Lussac’s Law: Pressure—Temperature Relationships  

10.7      Combined Gas Law  

10.8      The Vapor Pressure Concept  

10.9      Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures  

10.10    Ideal Gas Behavior  

10.11    Ideal Gas Law  

CRITICAL THINKING Conceptualizing Gases  

Summary   •   Problem—Solving Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


11         Liquids and Solids  

11.1      Properties of Liquids  

11.2      The Intermolecular Bond Concept  

11.3      Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point, Viscosity, and Surface Tension  

11.4      Properties of Solids

11.5      Crystalline Solids  

11.6      Changes of Physical State  

11.7      Structure of Water  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Water Purification  

11.8      Physical Properties of Water  

11.9      Chemical Properties of Water  

11.10    Hydrates  


Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


12         Chemical Bonding  

12.1      The Chemical Bond Concept  

12.2      Ionic Bonds  

12.3      Covalent Bonds  

12.4      Electron Dot Formulas of Molecules  

12.5      Electron Dot Formulas of Polyatomic Ions   

12.6      Polar Covalent Bonds  


12.7      Nonpolar Covalent Bonds  

12.8      Coordinate Covalent Bonds  

12.9      Hydrogen Bonds  

12.10    Shapes of Molecules  

CRITICAL THINKING Diamond versus Graphite  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


13         Solutions  

13.1      Gases in Solution  

13.2      Liquids in Solution  

13.3      Solids in Solution  


13.4      The Dissolving Process   

13.5      Rate of Dissolving  

13.6      Solubility and Temperature  

13.7      Unsaturated, Saturated, and Supersaturated Solutions  

13.8      Mass/Mass Percent Concentration  

13.9      Molar Concentration  

CRITICAL THINKING Water Fluoridation  

13.10    Dilution of a Solution  

13.11    Solution Stoichiometry  

Summary   •   Problem—Solving Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


14         Acids and Bases  

14.1      Properties of Acids and Bases  

14.2      Arrhenius Acids and Bases  


14.3      Brønsted—Lowry Acids and Bases  

14.4      Acid—Base Indicators  

14.5      Acid—Base Titrations  

14.6      Acid—Base Standardization  

14.7      Ionization of Water  

14.8      The pH Concept  

14.9      Advanced pH Calculations  


14.10    Strong and Weak Electrolytes  

14.11    Net Ionic Equations  

Summary   •   Problem—Solving Organizer  

Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


15         Advanced Problem Solving

15.1      Advanced Problem-Solving Strategies

15.2      Concept Maps — Mole Relationships

15.3      Concept Maps — Stoichiometry

15.4      Multiple-Reaction Stoichiometry


15.5      Advanced Problem-Solving Examples

            Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises

            Online Exercises 

Chapter Self-Test


16         Chemical Equilibrium  

16.1      Collision Theory  

16.2      Energy Profiles of Chemical Reactions  

16.3      The Chemical Equilibrium Concept  


16.4      General Equilibrium Constant, Keq  

16.5      Equilibria Shifts for Gases  

16.6      Ionization Equilibrium Constant, Ki  

16.7      Equilibria Shifts for Weak Acids and Bases  

16.8      Solubility Product Equilibrium Constant, Ksp  

16.9      Equilibria Shifts for Slightly Soluble Compounds  

            Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


17         Oxidation and Reduction  

17.1      Oxidation Numbers  

17.2      Oxidation—Reduction Reactions  

17.3      Balancing Redox Equations: Oxidation Number Method  

17.4      Balancing Redox Equations: Half-Reaction Method  

17.5      Predicting Spontaneous Redox Reactions  

17.6      Voltaic Cells  

17.7      Electrolytic Cells  


Summary   •   Key Terms   • Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test    


18       Nuclear Chemistry  

18.1    Natural Radioactivity  

18.2    Nuclear Equations  

18.3    Radioactive Decay Series  

18.4    Radioactive Half-Life  

18.5    Applications of Radionuclides  

CRITICAL THINKING  Nuclear Medicine  

18.6    Induced Radioactivity  

18.7    Nuclear Fission  


18.8    Nuclear Fusion  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


19       Organic Chemistry  

19.1    Hydrocarbons  

19.2    Alkanes  

19.3    Alkenes and Alkynes  

19.4    Arenes  

19.5    Hydrocarbon Derivatives  

19.6    Organic Halides  

19.7    Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers  

19.8    Amines  

19.9    Aldehydes and Ketones  

19.10    Carboxylic Acids, Esters, and Amides  

CHEMISTRY CONNECTION  Forensic Chemistry  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  


20         Biochemistry  

20.1      Biological Compounds  

20.2      Proteins  

20.3      Enzymes  

20.4      Carbohydrates  

20.5      Lipids  


20.6      Nucleic Acids  

CRITICAL THINKING Left- and Right-Handed Molecules  

Summary   •   Key Terms   •   Exercises  

Chapter Self-Test  



A    Weights and Measures  

B    Physical Constants  

C    Activity Series for Metals  

D    Solubility Rules for Ionic Compounds  

E    Vapor Pressure of Water  

F    Properties of Water  

G    Answers to Concept Exercises  

H    Answers to Key Term Exercises  

I     Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises  

J    Answers to Chapter Self-Tests  


Photo Credits  


Charles H. Corwin has spent over 30 years teaching chemistry to over 12,000 students. He has taught general chemistry, organic chemistry, and quantitative analysis, but has focused primarily on introductory chemistry for the personal rewards it offers.
Corwin was awarded his degrees from San Jose State University, where he was a member of Tau Delta Phi honor society. Early in his career, he was awarded a National Science Foundation grant to study instructional innovations at Grand Valley State University. Currently, he is a professor of chemistry at American River College, where he was recognized as Teacher of the Year in 1994. He is also the recipient of an Alumni Teaching award from Purdue University.

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