Introduction to VBA for Excel, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (June 29, 2009) © 2010

  • Steven C. Chapra Tufts

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For introductory courses in Engineering and Computer Science.

Teach your students to program and design user interfaces using Excel 2007.

Introduction to VBA for Excel, 2e is an introductory text that is designed to instruct engineering and science students on how to develop programs using VBA within the Microsoft Excel environment. It is written for students at all levels and does not assume any previous programming experience.

The new edition has been revised to bring it up-to-date with the Office 2007 environment.

Pedagogical Aids: Throughout the book, various aids instruct students on how to develop user interfaces within the context of the familiar Excel environment.
Specifically Designed for Engineers and Scientists: Written expressly with engineering and science students in mind, and therefore focuses on the types of issues they may encounter in their future careers.
Problem-Oriented Approach: This text shows students how VBA/Excel can be used for engineering and scientific problem solving; it teaches students how to write simple computer programs to solve engineering problems.
Numerous Examples: Provides many concrete, useful examples throughout the text that illustrate general principles as well as good programming style and problem-solving approaches.
Modular Organisation: This text is organised into short, modular chapters that are intended to be about the length of a standard lecture, offering instructors more flexibility in how they structure their course.

Chapter 15 on custom dialogue boxes: Students asked, we listened. Based on student feedback, this chapter has been significantly expanded.

New and Updated Problems: 25% of problems are new and 25% have been significantly updated.


1 If You’ve Never Programmed Before 1

1.1 The “Idea” of a Program 2

1.2 The Concept of Assignment 3

1.3 Decisions and Loops 4

1.3.1 Decisions 5

1.3.2 Loops 5

1.4 A Simple Example 6


2 Overview of VBA for Excel 8

2.1 The Excel/VBA Environment 9

2.2 An Excel Interface and a VBA Macro Program 9

2.2.1 Hands-on Exercise: A Simple Addition Program 10

2.3 Other Ways to Obtain and Display Information 16


3 Recording Macros 20

3.1 Macro Recording 21

3.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: Macro Recording to Format a Range of Cells 21

3.2 Absolute and Relative References 24

3.2.1 Hands-on Exercise: Absolute versus Relative Recording Mode 24

3.3 Using Macro Recording to Learn about VBA 27

3.3.1 Hands-on Exercise: Using a Macro Recording to Learn How to Count

Data 27

3.4 What Keyboard Macros Can’t Do 29


4 Customized Worksheet Functions 31

4.1 The “Idea” of a Function 32

4.2 Worksheet Function Macros 33

4.2.1 Hands-on Exercise: A Simple Worksheet Function Macro 33


5 Modular Programming 39

5.1 Sub Procedures 40

5.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: The Kick Calculator 41

5.2 Function Procedures 46

5.3 More about Procedure Arguments 47

5.3.1 Hands-on Exercise: The Behavior of the Parameter List 48

5.4 Passing by Value or by Reference 50

5.4.1 Hands-on Exercise: Passing by Value or by Reference 51

5.5 Static Variables 52


6 Object-oriented Programming 55

6.1 Objects, Properties, Methods, and Collections 56

6.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: OOP and a Recorded Macro 57

6.2 Using Oop for Input/Output 61

6.3 Learning More About Oop 62


7 Debugging and Testing 65

7.1 Debugging 66

7.2 The VBA Help Facility 66

7.2.1 Help Menu 66

7.2.2 Context-Sensitive Help and the F1 Key 68

7.2.3 Accessing Help from Error Messages 69

7.3 Built-in Debugging Capabilities 69

7.3.1 Passive Debugging: VBA Error Messages 69

7.3.2 Active Debugging 71

7.3.3 Hands-on Exercise: The VBA Debugger 72

7.4 Testing 73


8 Data Typing And Variable Scope 76

8.1 Data Types 77

8.1.1 Numeric Information 77

8.1.2 Character, or “String,” Information 79

8.1.3 Logical, or “Boolean,” Information 79

8.2 Type Declaration 80

8.2.1 Variant Data Type 80

8.2.2 The Dim Statement 81

8.2.3 Option Explicit 82

8.2.4 Hands-on Exercise: Run Time for Single and Double Precision 83

8.2.5 Type Declaration Characters 84

8.2.6 The Const Statement 85

8.3 Variable Scope and Lifetime 85

8.3.1 The Parameter List 86

8.3.2 Scope and Declaration 87


9 Computations 90

9.1 Computations 91

9.1.1 Operator Priority 91

9.1.2 Left to Right 92

9.2 Built-in Numeric Functions 93

9.2.1 Accessing Excel Functions from VBA 94


10 Strings and Dialog Boxes 99

10.1 String Functions and Manipulations 100

10.1.1 Concatenating and Parsing Strings 100

10.1.2 LCase and UCase 101

10.2 Message Boxes 103

10.2.1 Buttons 105

10.3 Input Boxes 107

10.3.1 Hands-on Exercise: Data Typing, String Functions, and Input Boxes 108


11 Structured Programming: Decisions 113

11.1 Structured Programming 114

11.2 Flowcharts 115

11.3 The If/Then/Else Decision Structure 116

11.3.1 Indentation 117

11.3.2 Single Decision Structure (If/Then) 118

11.3.3 Single-Line If Statement 119

11.4 If/Then/Elseif Structure 120

11.5 Select Case Structure 121

11.5.1 If/Then/ElseIf Versus Select Case 122

11.6 Nesting 123

11.7 Compound Logical Expressions 125

11.7.1 Logical Complements and DeMorgan’s Theorem 128


12 Structured Programming: Loops 133

12.1 Decision Loops (Do/if Exit) 134

12.2 Count-controlled Loops 135

12.3 Nesting of Loops and Decisions 138

12.4 Recursion 139

12.4.1 Hands-on Exercise: Nonrecursive and Recursive Factorial Functions 140


13 Data Structures: Arrays and Records 147

13.1 Arrays 148

13.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: Loops and Arrays 150

13.1.2 Multidimensional Arrays 152

13.1.3 Changing an Array’s Lower Bound 153

13.1.4 Passing Arrays to Procedures 153

13.1.5 Hands-on Exercise: The Bubble Sort 155

13.1.6 Dynamic Arrays and the ReDim Statement 157

13.2 Records 158


14 Creating and Accessing Files 164

14.1 Sequential Files 165

14.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: File Manipulations 167

14.2 Other File Operations 170

14.2.1 GetOpenFilename Method 170

14.2.2 GetSaveAsFilename Method 172


15 Custom Dialogue Boxes 175

15.1 A Simple Custom Dialogue Box 176

15.1.1 Hands-on Exercise: Developing a Simple Custom Dialogue Box 176

15.2 Custom Dialogue Boxes and Modules 183

15.2.1 Hands-on Exercise: Custom Dialogue Box and Modules 183


References 188

Index 189


Steven C. Chapra presently holds the Louis Berger Chair for Computing and Engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Tufts University. Dr. Chapra received engineering degrees from Manhattan College and the University of Michigan. Before joining the faculty at Tufts, he taught at Texas A&M University, the University of Colorado, and Imperial College, London. His research interests focus on surface water-quality modeling and advanced computer applications in environmental engineering. He has published over 50 refereed journal articles, 20 software packages and 6 books. He has received a number of awards including the 1987 ASEE Merriam/Wiley Distinguished Author Award, the 1993 Rudolph Hering Medal, and teaching awards from Texas A&M, the University of Colorado, and the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors.

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