Introduction to Modern Philosophy: Examining the Human Condition, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (September 20, 2000) © 2001

  • Alburey Castell
  • Donald M. Borchert Ohio State University
  • Arthur Zucker Ohio University

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For introductory philosophy courses.

This popular introductory text/reader on modern philosophy intersperses primary sources with commentary to keep students interested and critically engaged in what they are reading. Each chapter deals with a fundamental question about human existence, exploring the subject through representative readings by classic, modern, and contemporary philosophers—with at least two contrasting perspectives for each main position.

  • NEW - The philosophy of the mind (Ch. 2)—Features recent material on mind/body dualism, including readings by Smart, Fodor, Turing, the Churchlands and others.
    • Students read contemporary writings on an issue that is central to philosophy and that is also increasingly meaningful in our computerized world. Ex.___

  • NEW - Free will and determinism (Ch. 3)—Includes new readings from the current debate on Indeterminism and Compatibilism, including the views of John Hospers (a classic participant in 20th century debate on this question).
    • Students see key recent thinkers and controversies in context. Ex.___

  • NEW - The Existence of God (Ch. 4)—Adds St. Anselm's classic statement of the ontological argument for the existence of God.
    • Deepens students' understanding of the relationship between philosophy and religion. Ex.___

  • NEW - When Should I Obey the Law? (Ch. 6)—Major revision. Features writings from John Locke (the case for resistance), Robert Paul Wolff (the case for anarchy), and John Rawls (the case for civil disobedience).
    • Incorporates a variety of voices into the discussion of an issue that students find intrinsically interesting. Ex.___

  • NEW - What Things Shall I Call Art? (Ch. 7)—Adds works from Clive Bell, Paul Ziff and Susan Sontag.
    • Stimulates student discussion and thought with accessible writing on a topic that may be new to them. Ex.___

  • NEW - What Is Science? (Ch. 9)—Adds a selection from Helen Longino (one of the leading feminist philosophers of science). Includes readings by Feyerabend, Rorty, the feminist writer Alison Jaggar, and others.
    • Introduces students to the thinking of post-modern and feminist perspectives. Ex.___

  • NEW - Epilogue I—Applied Ethics—Topics include Medical Ethics (Timothy Quill on euthanasia), Business Ethics (Milton Friedman on the profit goal), and Environmental Ethics (Arthur Zucker on speciesism).
    • Allows students to appreciate the applicability of concepts introduced throughout the book to real-life issues and controversies in the world around them. Ex.___

  • NEW - Revised Epilogue II—Making Sense Out of Life—Uses multicultural sources to consider the enduring human need for constructing meaning in life. Includes material from Peter Geach on life after death.
    • Demonstrates how fundamental philosophical questions transcend cultural boundaries while also showing how different cultures vary in response. Ex.___

  • Question-based chapters with a stimulating debate-style format.
    • Presents students with a good overview of philosophy and introduces them to diverse views and contrasting arguments on every main issue. Ex.___

  • The philosophy of the mind (Ch. 2)—Features recent material on mind/body dualism, including readings by Smart, Fodor, Turing, the Churchlands and others.
    • Students read contemporary writings on an issue that is central to philosophy and that is also increasingly meaningful in our computerized world. Ex.___

  • Free will and determinism (Ch. 3)—Includes new readings from the current debate on Indeterminism and Compatibilism, including the views of John Hospers (a classic participant in 20th century debate on this question).
    • Students see key recent thinkers and controversies in context. Ex.___

  • The Existence of God (Ch. 4)—Adds St. Anselm's classic statement of the ontological argument for the existence of God.
    • Deepens students' understanding of the relationship between philosophy and religion. Ex.___

  • When Should I Obey the Law? (Ch. 6)—Major revision. Features writings from John Locke (the case for resistance), Robert Paul Wolff (the case for anarchy), and John Rawls (the case for civil disobedience).
    • Incorporates a variety of voices into the discussion of an issue that students find intrinsically interesting. Ex.___

  • What Things Shall I Call Art? (Ch. 7)—Adds works from Clive Bell, Paul Ziff and Susan Sontag.
    • Stimulates student discussion and thought with accessible writing on a topic that may be new to them. Ex.___

  • What Is Science? (Ch. 9)—Adds a selection from Helen Longino (one of the leading feminist philosophers of science). Includes readings by Feyerabend, Rorty, the feminist writer Alison Jaggar, and others.
    • Introduces students to the thinking of post-modern and feminist perspectives. Ex.___

  • Epilogue I—Applied Ethics—Topics include Medical Ethics (Timothy Quill on euthanasia), Business Ethics (Milton Friedman on the profit goal), and Environmental Ethics (Arthur Zucker on speciesism).
    • Allows students to appreciate the applicability of concepts introduced throughout the book to real-life issues and controversies in the world around them. Ex.___

  • Revised Epilogue II—Making Sense Out of Life—Uses multicultural sources to consider the enduring human need for constructing meaning in life. Includes material from Peter Geach on life after death.
    • Demonstrates how fundamental philosophical questions transcend cultural boundaries while also showing how different cultures vary in response. Ex.___

1. What Is Philosophy?

The Examined Life, Socrates.

2. Am I a Body and a Mind?

I Am a Mind (Rex Cogitans) and a Body (Res Extensa), René Descartes. Descartes Was Confused, Gilbert Ryle. The Identity Theory, J.J.C. Smart. Functionalism as a Critique of Identity Theory and Logical Behaviorism, Jerry Fodor. Can Machines Think?, A.M. Turing. Computers Cannot Think, John Searle. Searle Is Mistaken, Paul and Patricia Churchland.

3. Am I Free or Determined?

I Am Determined, Baron D'Holbach. I Am Free, Jean-Paul Sartre. I Am Determined and Free, Walter T. Space. Psychology Shows We Are Not Free, John Hospers. A Defense of Compatibilism, John W. Bender. An Argument for Indeterminism, Karl Popper.

4. What Grounds Do I Have for Belief in God?

Belief Leads to Understanding, St. Anselm. Belief Supported by Proofs, Thomas Aquinas. Belief without Proofs, Blaise Pascal. Doubts about Natural Theology, David Hume. A Finite God, John Stuart Mill. Agnosticism—The Only Legitimate Response, Thomas Henry Huxley. Legitimate Belief in Spite of Agnosticism, William James. Falsification and Verification, Antony Flew and John Hick.

5. On What Principle Do I Judge Things Right or Wrong?

The Will the God, William Paley. The Categorical Imperative, Immanuel Kant. The Maximization of Happiness, John Stuart Mill. The Relativity of Morality, Friedrich Nietzsche. Emotivism Affirmed, A.J. Ayer. Emotivism Refined, C. L. Stevenson. Emotivism Critiqued, Brand Blanshard. Morality, Bernard Gert. The Moral Prism, Dorothy Emmet.

6. Why Should I Obey the Law?

The Case for the Legislative Life, Thomas Hobbes. The Case for Resistance, John Locke. The Case for the Common Cold, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The Case for Revolution, Karl Marx. The Case for Liberty and Law, John Stuart Mill. The Case for Civil Disobedience with Religious Warrant, Martin Luther King. The Case for Anarchy, Robert Paul Wolff. The Case for Civil Disobedience with Secular Warrant, John Rawls.

7. What Things Shall I Call Art?

The Aesthetic Hypothesis, Clive Bell. Anything Viewed Might Be Art?, Paul Ziff. Art as Representation of Reality, H. Gene Blocker. Art as Communication of Emotion, Leo Tolstoy. Critique of Expressionism, John Hospers. Is Aesthetics Founded on a Mistake?, Morris Weitz. Against Interpretation, Susan Sontag.

8. When Can I Say “I Know?”

An Appeal to Experience, David Hume. A Critique of Reason in Experience, Immanuel Kant. A Logical Positivist Critique, A.J. Ayer. The Presuppositions of Knowledge, R.G. Collingwood. The Elements of Epistemology, Alvin Goldman. The Analysis of Knowledge, Keith Lehrer.

9. What Is Science? Positivism to Postmodernism.

The Positivist View of Science, Herbert Feigl. Problems with the Positivistic Interpretations of Science, Thomas Kuhn. Relativism, Even in Science, Is the Only Conclusion, Paul Feyerabend. Kuhn Has Misread Science and Its History, Larry Laudan. Science Is Neither Objective nor Unemotional, Alison Jaggar. Can There Be a Feminist Science?, Helen Longino. Relativism Means the End of Philosophy, Richard Rorty. An Explanation of Postmodernism, H. Gene Blocker.

Epilogue I: Applied Ethics.

Medical Ethics: Euthanasia, Timothy E. Quill. Business Ethics: Making Profits, Milton Friedman. Environmental Ethics: Inescapable Speciesism, Arthur Zucker.

Epilogue II: Making Sense out of Life.

The Will to Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl. The Story of the God Who Acts, The Biblical Tradition. The Story of Transcending Suffering, The Buddhist Tradition. The Story of Pursuing the Moral Ideal, The African Tradition. The Story of Combatting Suffering, Albert Camus. Is the Story to Be Continued?, Peter Geach.


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