High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (April 8, 1993) © 1993

  • Howard Johnson Olympic Technology Group, Redmond, WA
  • Martin Graham

  • A print text (hardcover or paperback) 
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  • Also available for purchase as an ebook from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com

This best-selling book focuses on the field of knowledge lying between digital and analog circuit theory. The book helps to short cut the learning curve involved in mastering the art of digital design.

Howard W. Johnson is president of Olympic Technology Group, Inc., of Redmond, Washington, a digital electronic design and consulting organization. Before founding the firm, he was Manager of Technology and Advanced Development at Ultra Network Technologies, a manufacturer of gigabit-per-second local area networks for supercomputers. Since obtaining his Ph.D. in 1982 from Rice University, he has specialized in the design of high-speed digital communications and digital signal processing systems.

Martin Graham has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley since 1966, where he teaches the design of reliable and manufacturable electronic systems.

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