Global Problems: The Search for Equity, Peace, and Sustainability, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (September 27, 2012) © 2012

  • Scott R. Sernau Indiana University South Bend
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Exploring social problems on a global scale

This text uses social science perspectives to examine the various dimensions of globalization, the social problems of inequality, war and violence, and environmental sustainability that are occurring on a global scale. 

Clear writing and vivid examples help students to better understand their role as global citizens. The book was designed for courses such as Global Issues, Contemporary Problems, Social Problems, Social Stratification, World Cultures, and Social Change.

Learning Goals

Upon completing this book, readers should be able to:

  • Understand social problems on a global scale – from inequalities to sustainability
  • See the interconnections of the world and people throughout the world
  • Learn about issues with a multinational and multidisciplinary approach, so readers will be able to have a broader understanding of the subject




Part I: Seeking an Equitable World: Issues of Inequality
Chapter 1:  Class: A World of Rich and Poor
Chapter 2:  Work: The Global Assembly Line
Chapter 3:  Gender and Family: Overburdened Women and Displaced Men
Chapter 4:  Education: Access and Success
Part II: Seeking a Peaceful World: Issues of Conflict
Chapter 5:  Crime: Fear in the Streets                                                      
Chapter 6:  War: States of Terror                                                              
Chapter 7:  Democracy and Human Rights: Having Our Say        
Chapter 8:  Ethnicity and Religion: Deep Roots and Unholy Hate
Part III: Seeking a Sustainable World: Environmental Issues
Chapter 9:   Urbanization: Cities without Limits                                     
Chapter 10: Population and Health: Only the Poor Die Young          
Chapter 11: Technology and Energy: Prometheus’s Fire or Pandora’s Box?    
Chapter 12: Ecology: How Much Can One Planet Take?         





The Call of the World             
Empires in Collision               
Making a World System        
Plan of the Book   
Part I: Seeking an Equitable World: Issues of Inequality
Chapter 1: Class: A World of Rich and Poor
The Global Divide
Theories of Class and Economy            
Economic Development: Modernization and Dependency Theories               
Ending Extreme Poverty: Markets and Beyond
Humanizing Development      
Chapter 2: Work: The Global Assembly Line
The Division of Labor             
The New Frontier: From Hudson’s Bay to Land’s End     
Made by Small Hands              
A Trade Free-for-All               
Ordering the World Market 
Trade that is Fair for All        
Chapter 3: Gender and Family: Overburdened Women and Displaced Men
Nietzsche Undone: From Superman to Supermom           
Global Family Changes           
Half the Sky
Chapter 4: Education: Access and Success                                           
The Foundations of Education               
And Who Will Care for the Children?               
Education around the World  
Opening Doors, Opening Minds            
Part II: Seeking a Peaceful World: Issues of Conflict


Chapter 5: Crime: Fear in the Streets                                                      
Seeking Security    
Street Crime and Youth Violence        
International Drug Trade      
Incarceration around the World           
International Crime Cartels                 
In Search of Opportunity and Order    
Chapter 6: War: States of Terror                                                              
How States Made War and War Made States     
From Limited War to Total War to Cold War   
From World War to Regional Conflict               
The Global Arms Trade          
Weapons of Mass Destruction              
Military Expenditures             
The Last Great War?             
Chapter 7: Democracy and Human Rights: Having Our Say        
Nationalism and the Nation—State        
From Bands to States              
Nationalism and Independence              
Democracy and Its Alternatives            
“Dirty Wars”: When Democracy Degenerates
The Right to Be Fully Human               
Chapter 8: Ethnicity and Religion: Deep Roots and Unholy Hate
Ethnicity: Ties That Bind and Divide   
Faith and Fervor: Religious Diversity 
Ethnicity, Religion, and Power              
Identity and International Terrorism  
Alternatives to Terror             
Part III: Seeking a Sustainable World: Environmental Issues


Chapter 9: Urbanization: Cities without Limits                                     
The Urban Millennium: Worldwide Urbanization             
World Cities             
Cities as Dynamos: Central Places and Hyperurbanization           
The Shape of Urban Life         
The Shape of the City              
Seeking Livable Cities           
Chapter 10: Population and Health: Only the Poor Die Young          
World Population Estimates: Counting Heads  
Marx and Malthus: The Population Bomb Debate             
Demographic Transition Theory          
Population Control  
Health Care Reform
Living Well, Staying Well     
Chapter 11: Technology and Energy: Prometheus’s Fire or Pandora’s Box?    
Power Surge: The Advance of Technology          
Energy: Fire from Above and Below
Chariots of Fire: Automobiles and Transport
Turning Down the Heat: Global Warming and Appropriate Technology   


Chapter 12: Ecology: How Much Can One Planet Take?
Food: We Are What We Eat  
Deforestation and Desertification        
Who Invited You? Invasive Species      
Ecology and Economy: The Search for Sustainable Futures           

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