General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (January 4, 2019) © 2020

  • Laura D. Frost Florida Gulf Coast
  • S Todd Deal


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For 1-semester general, organic and biological chemistry courses.

An integrated, applied approach

General, Organic and Biological Chemistry integrates general, organic and biological chemistry for a focused introduction to the fundamental connections between chemistry and life. The streamlined approach establishes a clear path through 12 comprehensive chapters.

The 4th Edition incorporates the authors' knowledge and experience in the science of learning, using research and best practices based on how students learn. An applied focus provides allied-health and non-science majors with practical applications for understanding chemistry in their future health professions and everyday lives.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Guided Inquiry Activities by Laura Frost guide students through an exploration of given information to develop chemical concepts and then apply developed concepts to further examples.
  • Health-Related Problems are tied to real-life applications from allied health fields to promote critical-thinking skills and to connect the chemistry learned with students' future professions.
  • Macro-to-Micro Illustrations show how reactions occur on the molecular level, giving students a visual understanding of chemical processes.
  • Challenge Problems at the end of the chapter offer students an opportunity to test their skills with more difficult problems.
  • Sample Problems are annotated stepped-out problems that allow students to understand the strategy used to arrive at the solution.

New and updated features of this title

  • EXPANDED: Topics focused on health science emphasize that good health and science literacy are critical for everyone. Examples include new Integrating Chemistry features covering common viral diseases and gluten sensitivity.
  • ADDED: Clinical examples throughout the text pay particular attention to topics such as acid base and biochemistry.
  • UPDATED: Discovering the Concepts engage students in groups during class as they construct an understanding of the content in cooperation with their peers.
  • REVISED: Inquiry Questions at the beginning of every chapter section encourage students to immediately apply problem-solving skills to the concepts learned in that section without waiting until the end of the chapter.
  • Learning Tips help students build skills to study and learn chemistry effectively. The chapter opener presents 1 tip, addressing a complicated topic that is difficult for students to work through.
  • In-chapter and end-of-chapter problems challenge students to put key concepts and ideas to use. Additional Problem sections at the end of each chapter integrate major chapter concepts.

Features of Mastering Chemistry for the 4th Edition

  • Integrated Tutorials reinforce connections between general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry principles while helping students develop their problem-solving skills.
  • EXPANDED: 11 new Practicing the Concepts videos explain major concepts that students struggle with in the chapter. The videos are 3-5 minutes long and narrated by author Todd Deal with video assessment questions.
  • ENHANCED: End-of-chapter questions with answer-specific feedback guide students towards the correct answer without giving the answer away.
  • The Chemistry Primer helps students remediate chemistry math skills and prepare for their first college chemistry course. Pre-built Assignments ensure students practice and maintain their math skills. Remediation includes tutorials, wrong-answer specific feedback, video instruction, and stepwise scaffolding.

1. Chemistry Basics - Matter and Measurement
1.1 Classifying Matter: Pure Substance or Mixture
1.2 Elements, Compounds, and Periodic Table
1.3 How matter Changes
1.4 Math Counts
1.5 Matter: The "Stuff" of Chemistry
1.6 Measuring Matter

2. Atoms and Radioactivity
2.1 Atoms and Their Components
2.2 Atomic Number and Mass Number
2.3 Isotopes and Atomic Mass
2.4 Radioactivity and Radioisotopes
2.5 Nuclear Equations and Radioactive Decay
2.6 Radiation Units and Half-Lives
2.7 Medical Applications for Radioisotopes

3. Compounds - How Elements Combine
3.1 Electron Arrangements and the Octet Rule
3.2 In Search of an Octet, Part 1: Ion Formation
3.3 Ionic Compounds- Electron Give and Take
3.4 In Search of an Octet, Part 2: Covalent Bond Formation
3.5 The Mole: Counting Atoms and Compounds
3.6 Getting Covalent Compounds into Shape
3.7 Electronegativity and Molecular Polarity

4. Introduction to Organic Compounds
4.1 Representing the Structures of Organic Compounds
4.2 Alkanes: The Simplest Organic Compounds
4.3 Families of Organic Compounds- Functional Groups
4.4 Nomenclature of Simple Alkanes
4.5 Isomerism in Organic Compounds

5. Chemical Reactions
5.1 Thermodynamics
5.2 Chemical Reactions: Kinetics
5.3 Overview of Chemical Reactions
5.4 Oxidation and Reduction
5.5 Organic Reactions: Condensation and Hydrolysis
5.6 Organic Addition Reactions to Alkenes

6. Carbohydrates - Life's Sweet Molecules
6.1 Classes of Carbohydrates
6.2 Function Groups in Monosaccharides
6.3 Stereochemistry in Monosaccharides
6.4 Reactions of Monosaccharides
6.5 Disaccharides
6.6 Polysaccharides
6.7 Carbohydrates and Blood

7. States of Matter and Their Attractive Forces: Gas Laws, Solubility, and Applications to the Cell Membrane
7.1 Gases and Gas Laws
7.2 Liquids and Solids: Predicting Properties Through Attractive Forces
7.3 Attractive Forces and Solubility
7.4 Dietary Lipids
7.5 Attractive Forces and the Cell Membrane

8. Solution Chemistry - Sugar and Water Do Mix
8.1 Solutions Are Mixtures
8.2 Formation of Solutions
8.3 Chemical Equations for Solution Formation
8.4 Concentration
8.5 Dilution
8.6 Osmosis and Diffusion
8.7 Transport Across

9. Acids, Bases, and Buffers in the Body
9.1 Acids and Bases- Definitions
9.2 Strong Acids and Bases
9.3 Chemical Equilibrium
9.4 Weak Acids and Bases
9.5 pH and the pH Scale
9.6 pKa
9.7 The Relationship Between pH, pKa, Drug Solubility, and Diffusion
9.8 Buffers and Blood- The Bicarbonate Buffer System

10. Proteins - Workers of the Cell
10.1 Amino Acids- The Building Blocks
10.2 Protein Formation
10.3 The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
10.4 Denaturation of Proteins
10.5 Protein Functions
10.6 Enzymes - Life's Catalysts
10.7 Factors That Affect Enzyme Activity

11. Nucleic Acids - Big Molecules with a Big Role
11.1 Components of Nucleic Acids
11.2 Nucleic Acid Formation
11.3 DNA
11.4 RNA and Protein Synthesis
11.5 Putting It Together: The Genetic Code and Protein Synthesis
11.6 Genetic Mutations
11.7 Viruses
11.8 Recombinant DNA Technology

12. Food as Fuel - An Overview of Metabolism
12.1 How Metabolism Works
12.2 Metabolically Relevant Nucleotides
12.3 Digestion - From Food Molecules to Hydrolysis Products
12.4 Glycolysis - From Hydrolysis Production to Common Metabolites
12.5 The Citric Acid Cycle - Central Processing
12.6 Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
12.7 ATP Production
12.8 Other Fuel Choices

About our authors

LAURA FROST is a Professor of Chemistry at Florida Gulf Coast University and Director of the Whitaker Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. She received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Kutztown University and her Ph.D. in chemistry with a biophysical focus from the University of Pennsylvania. She has been teaching chemistry in higher education for over 20 years and continues to teach chemistry to students in the health professions.

Professor Frost is actively engaged in the teaching and learning in all STEM subjects, particularly chemistry, and uses a guided inquiry approach in her classes. She is very involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning and has demonstrated that the use of inquiry-based activities increases student learning in her one-semester chemistry course for health professionals.

Dr. Frost is a member of the American Chemical Society and its Chemical Education division. A member of the University System of Georgia faculty Hall of Fame, Dr. Frost has been honored on more than one occasion for her teaching excellence. Her writing has also been recognized, and in 2014, she was elected to the governing council of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association.

Dr. Frost is engaged in STEM education reform through evidence-based teaching and learning at all levels (K—16), as well as through community outreach. She was principal investigator of a successful NSF grant that provides professional development for faculty in evidence-based practices in STEM. She has spoken and attended numerous conferences and workshops on this topic.

TODD DEAL received his B.S. degree in chemistry in 1986 from Georgia Southern College (now University) in Statesboro, Georgia, and his Ph.D. in chemistry in 1990 from The Ohio State University. students in the health professions.

An award-winning educator, Dr. Deal has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching and in service, and was named Professor of the Year by the students of Georgia Southern. Prof. Deal has also been recognized by Project Kaleidoscope for his innovative teaching in the sciences.

Professor Deal is a member of American Chemical Society and its Chemical Education division. He is also a member of the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, the International Leadership Association, and the Association of Leadership Educators. Dr. Deal's teaching interests span from chemistry and the hard sciences to the soft, human sciences of leadership and leadership development.

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