Functional Assessment: Strategies to Prevent and Remediate Challenging Behavior in School Settings, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (March 4, 2014) © 2015

  • Lynette K. Chandler Northern Illinois University
  • Carol M. Dahlquist


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  • To enhance affordability and portability this exciting new edition is available as a Pearson eText.  With the eText students can easily take and share notes, highlight, and search for key concepts. 
  • Each chapter provides a number of aids to ensure comprehension, including:
    • Key terms and concepts.
    • Case studies and other activities readers can use to practice critical skills, conduct analyses, and develop intervention plans.
    • Samples of assessment forms.
    • Intervention strategies directly linked to different functions of challenging behavior.
    • Summaries of research that documents evidence-based practices and intervention strategies.
    • Positive strategies to prevent as well as remediate challenging behavior and to teach appropriate behavior that will replace it.
  • A variety of ready-to-implement strategies provide important, hands-on information are included, for example:
    • Intervention strategies are linked to specific functions of behavior—positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and sensory-regulation/sensory stimulation. Included is a chapter for each function of specific interventions that can be used to address that function. (Chs. 6, 7, 8, and 9)
    • The assessment and intervention strategies are feasible for use in school settings.
    • General classroom management and effective instructional strategies, as well as class-wide and school-wide multi-tiered intervention models are also included as aids to promoting and supporting appropriate behavior and addressing ongoing challenging behavior.
      • NEW! A new section addresses classroom management strategies to prevent challenging behavior and promote appropriate behavior including developing and teaching classroom rules; providing predictable, organized schedules and routines; and evidence-based strategies to promote positive social interactions, engagements and on-task behavior. (Ch. 2)
    • Sensory-regulation/sensory stimulation is discussed as a third category of function and intervention strategies directly related to this function are presented. (Chs. 4, 8, and 9)
    • Strategies for providing effective consultation and coaching to educational teams are presented to help students develop positive relationships with teachers, gain staff buy-in, and provide effective coaching and consultation. (Ch. 11)
    • Strategies for involving and supporting families as important members of functional assessment and positive behavior intervention plans are presented in Chapter 11.
    • Information on the generalization and maintenance of behavior and strategies to prevent the development and recurrence of challenging behavior helps students promote generalization and maintenance as part of the initial behavior intervention plan. (Chs. 10 and 11)
    • NEW! An expanded focus on strategies to prevent the development or occurrence of challenging behavior, including self-management and mediation strategies, provide additional evidence-based strategies that can be used with middle and high school students.
    • NEW! Additional strategies to address the various functions of challenging behavior—plus
  • NEW! To enhance affordability and portability this exciting new assessment text is available as a Pearson eText.  With the eText students can easily take and share notes, highlight, and search for key concepts. 
  • NEW! A new section addresses classroom management strategies to prevent challenging behavior and promote appropriate behavior including developing and teaching classroom rules; providing predictable, organized schedules and routines; and evidence-based strategies to promote positive social interactions, engagements and on-task behavior. (Ch. 2)
  • NEW! An expanded focus on strategies to prevent the development or occurrence of challenging behavior, including self-management and mediation strategies, provide additional evidence-based strategies that can be used with middle and high school students.
  • NEW! Additional strategies to address the various functions of challenging behavior—plus descriptions of recent research to support those strategies—give students additional evidence-based strategies they can use in their classrooms.
  • NEW! A new section on effective instructional strategies, including universal design for learning; scaffolding; promoting strategies; systematic planning feedback; and adaptations, accommodations, and modification to address student needs help students increase on-task and engaged behavior during academic lessons, and to prevent challenging behavior.
  • NEW! An overview of the multi-tiered Response to Intervention (RtI) framework helps students see how Functional Assessment can be used within a Response to Intervention program to prevent and remediate challenging behavior. (Ch. 11). Covered are:
    • Collaborative Problem Solving and data-based decision making.
    • The laws that support the use of RTI.
    • How functional assessment fits within the RtI framework.
  • NEW! Expanded information on Positive Behavior Support and school wide applications to prevent and address challenging behavior include information on:
    • How RtI and school wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) frameworks work together.
    • Critical features that make these frameworks effective.
    • Review of research to support these practices.
    • Examples of specific SWPBS including a bullying program.
    • A look at the role of functional assessment in SWPBS.

Part One: Introduction to Challenging Behavior and the Functional Assessment and Intervention Model

Chapter 1: The Importance of Identifying and Addressing Challenging Behavior and Identifying Why Challenging Behavior Occurs

Chapter 2: Assumptions and Goals of Functional Assessment

Part Two: Conducting a Functional Assessment

Chapter 3: Assessing the Current Environment

Chapter 4: Identifying the Function of Challenging and Appropriate Behaviors

Part Three: Selecting and Implementing Function-Based Interventions

Chapter 5: Selecting Setting Event, Antecedent, and Consequence Strategies and Appropriate Replacement Behaviors

Chapter 6: Intervention Strategies Related to the Positive Reinforcement Function

Chapter 7: Intervention Strategies Related to the Negative Reinforcement Function

Chapter 8: General Intervention Strategies Related to the Sensory Regulation/Sensory Stimulation Function

Chapter 9: Specific Intervention Strategies Related to the Increase and Decrease in Sensory Regulations/Sensory Stimulation Functions

Chapter 10: Strategies to Promote Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior and to Prevent the Development and Recurrence of Behavior

Part Four: Functional Assessment Within School Settings

Chapter 11:  Guidelines for Program Implementation and Consultation






Lynette Chandler is a professor and Program Coordinator for Special Education in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University. Lynette has over thirty years of experience working with individuals with disabilities and challenging behaviors in school and community settings. Her areas of expertise are applied behavior analysis and early childhood special education. She has numerous publications in professional journals, books chapters, on-line webinars, and presentations in the areas of Response to Intervention, Functional Assessment and Positive Behavior Interventions, social skills, early childhood transitions, and early literacy. Lynette is a past president of the International Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children and she provides consultation to schools and community-based programs regarding functional assessment and positive behavior interventions, early literacy, and Response to Intervention.

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