Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (June 20, 2013) © 2014

  • Peter M. Kettner


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  • Examples of Council for Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE) Standards in this Text–found when you open the text; this overview provides a quick view of the CSHSE Standards addressed throughout the text.
  • CSHSE Standards Applied in this Chapter–found on the chapter opening page; provides a more direct snapshot of the most prominent standards and understanding and mastery of standards addressed in each chapter
  • Standards-based critical thinking questions–found throughout the chapter; asks students to critically think about the featured standards examples in relation to the content they’re learning
    • Practice Test—provides a ‘quick review’ for students to test their knowledge and understanding of the chapter contents; includes multiple choice and short answer/essay questions
      • Intro to Human Services; Generalist Human Services; Counseling
    • Chapter Review—provides a ‘quick review’ for students to test their application and evaluation of the chapter contents; includes multiple choice and short answer/essay questions
      • All other Human Services
  • Framework for assessing systems and subsystems — This provides students with a blueprint for organizational analysis in the interest of determining areas of strength and of those areas that need improvement.
  • 6 different approaches to job design and redesign — In the interest of finding the optimum fit for employees and thereby increasing motivation and productivity
  • Rewards and benefits — Eight different rewards and benefits designed to maximize productivity.
  • Human resource laws, regulations and executive orders — A planning process to achieve an optimum mix of staff, in terms of areas of expertise and demographics is discussed along with laws identifying six protected classes and the basis of discrimination.
  • Guidelines for carrying out a job analysis.
  • Eight approaches to performance appraisal — Along with pros and cons presented for each.
  • Boxed material, cases, charts and graphs, learning objectives and chapter summaries appear throughout the text.
  • Learning Objectives — At the beginning of each chapter help students pull out essential information.

Chapter-by-chapter changes

Chapter 1:

  • Combines old chapters 1 & 2. It makes for a longer chapter, but provides the basis for understanding the meaning of excellence in management and covers the highlights of all the theories and research which support the model
  • Identifies standards for several accrediting organizations
  • Includes new examples to illustrate the significance and relevance of each theory to human services management
  • Significant concepts are summarized in a table, which provides an overview of what the text intends to cover

Chapter 2:

  • Many new graphics designed to help the student understand the significance of the external and internal environments.
  • New section on conflict management.

Chapter 3:

  • Explains ways in which structure affects function, and presents seven different structural options.
  • Examples are included to illustrate how structure affects function and new graphics to illustrate how each of the seven options can be applied
  • Explains the relationship between an organization’s formal and informal structures

Chapter 4 

  • This chapter combines chapters five and ten from the first edition. It attempts to put together in one chapter all the considerations related to job creation.
  • Defines job analysis, job specifications, job description, job announcement, and job and work design.
  • Provides examples for each job design strategy

Chapter 5         

  • Several new online government resources
  • New case examples illustrate ways to use different planning and design strategies to improve organizational performance.

Chapter 6

  • The steps of the recruitment, selection and hiring processes are laid out in detail with several examples and summary tables and charts.
  • Updates on legal requirements for recruitment and recommendations for use of electronic media in the recruitment and application processes.

Chapter 7

  • Charts and tables have been updated to reflect current practices.
  • Examples and discussion questions have been added.

Chapter 8 

  • Eight new examples illustrate how a manager might use various strategies to increase motivation.
  • All of the boxes examining “considerations” in relation to each of the motivational and reward strategies have been eliminated.

Chapter 9

  • ANew case example has been added.
  • Some of the performance appraisal forms have been edited.

Chapter 10      

  • In addition to elaborating on some of the step by step instructions to building an integrated information system in the first edition, twelve new tables have been added to this edition to help illustrate the kinds of questions that need to be answered in order to build a complete system.

Chapter 11

  • New tables have been added to help clarify various budgeting concepts.

Chapter 12

  • A new table has been developed that reviews each of the twelve areas of responsibility as proposed in Chapter 1 and suggests questions that might be used to assess management perceptions.
  • Proposed staff survey questions have been rewritten to follow the new chronology presented in this edition.
  • A new section on leadership is included in this chapter.

In this Section:
1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents




Chapter 1:                 Developing a Theory and Philosophy of Management

Chapter 2:                 Understanding the Organization from a Systems Perspective

Chapter 3:                 Using Structure to Facilitate and Support Achievement of the Agency’s Mission

Chapter 4:                 Job Analysis and Job Design    

Chapter 5:                 Maximizing Organizational Performance through Human Resources Planning  

Chapter 6:                 Strengthening the Organization throughExcellent Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Practices  

Chapter 7:                 Maximizing Employee Potential through Staff Training and Development   

Chapter 8:                 Promoting Excellence through Well-Designed Motivation and Reward Systems  

Chapter 9:                 Supervision, Performance Appraisal, Rewards, and Termination  

Chapter 10:               Using Data and Information to Achieve Excellence  

Chapter 11:               Managing Resources to Support Excellence

Chapter 12:               Monitoring and Evaluating Organizational Efforts and Accomplishments  



Chapter 1:     Developing a Theory and Philosophy of Management

Understanding the Manager’s Role  

Defining Management and Administration  

Creating a Positive Work Environment      

Establishing Criteria for Organizational Excellence 

Excellence as Defined by Accreditation Standards 

The Opinions of Managers

Some Themes Emerging from a Study of Organizational Excellence      

The Usefulness of Early Management Theory       

Scientific Management     &nb

Peter M. Kettner is Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University School of Social Work. He is author or co-author of six books, four of which have been translated into multiple languages. He has also authored over 50 articles, monographs, and book chapters on the topics of program planning, macro practice in social work, human services administration, purchase-of-service contracting, and privatization,. Over his 30 year career in academia he served as consultant to five different state human service agencies and dozens of local nonprofit agencies on their design and implementation of effectiveness-based planning systems and purchase of service contracting practices. In retirement he has continued his writing and consultation with local government and nonprofit agencies.

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