EMS Quality Management and Research, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2014) © 2015

  • Bruce E. Evans EMS Program Chair, National Fire Academy
  • Jeffrey T. Lindsey University of Flordia, Gainseville, FL



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For courses in EMS Management, EMS Quality Management and Research, Quality Improvement

EMS Quality Management and Research is designed to be used as a starter manual for EMS managers seeking to build comprehensive knowledge of quality improvement (QI). For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.

Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Best practices and organizational stories throughout each chapter take learning far beyond theory and review of journal articles.
  • Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of each of the topic areas.

Hallmark Features:

Best practices and organizational stories throughout each chapter take learning far beyond theory and review of journal articles:

  • What Would You Do? Case Study: Every chapter starts with an EMS manager tackling an issue regarding quality improvement and research that is related to the content of the chapter. How he resolved the issue based on information in the chapter is presented in the What Would You Do? Reflection feature at the end of the chapter.
  • Every chapter promotes best practices and includes a real-world example that illustrates information from the chapter having been used successfully by an EMS agency.
  • Chapter 1 details developments that have fostered quality, such as important issues in the field of EMS and the current health care reform movement.
  • Chapter 2 chronicles the history of EMS QI and builds on terminology necessary for a knowledge base of QI principles.
  • Chapter 3 defines the domains of EMS QI, addressing structure, process, and measuring outcomes.
  • Chapter 4 defines quality through benchmarking and creating indicators.
  • Chapter 5 discusses capturing information and data for quality measurement.
  • Chapter 6 presents databases and how they can relate to each other.
  • Chapter 7 covers analysis of data, employing mathematical assessments, and simple conclusions of charted data.
  • Chapter 8 discusses management processes, such as root cause analysis and project management.
  • Chapter 9 discusses how to facilitate change or create a “culture of quality”.
  • Chapter 10 presents legal aspects of EMS, including sample legislation and sample cases on protecting information. 

Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understandingof each of the topic areas:

  • The book offers an overview of each of the topic areas, giving EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of quality improvement processes.
  • Objectives are identified at the beginning of each chapter and outline the material the reader should understand upon completion of the chapter.
  • Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and are bold upon introduction in the chapter. Each chapter’s terms are defined at the end of the chapter, and all terms are included in the comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.
  • Sidebar features relate interesting information that corresponds very closely to text discussion.
  • Students are required to draw on the knowledge presented in the chapter to answer the chapter review questions.
  • A list of bibliographical references appears at the end of each chapter.

1.      Why Quality?

2.      History of Quality in EMS

3.      Domains of a QI System

4.      Defining Quality

5.      Measuring Quality

6.      Databases and Data Collection

7.      Data and Quality Analysis

8.      Quality Improvement Program and Project Management

9.      Creating and Maintaining a Culture of Quality

10.  Legal Considerations and Corrective Action

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