Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 8, 2019) © 2020

  • Jeanne Ellis Ormrod University of Northern Colorado (Emerita)
  • Eric M. Anderman The Ohio State University
  • Lynley H. Anderman The Ohio State University


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For undergraduate and masters-level introduction to educational psychology courses.

Help students understand their own learning and apply the core concepts and principles of educational psychology

Educational Psychology is known for its exceptionally clear and engaging writing, its in-depth focus on learning and its extensive concrete applications. The text's unique approach moves seamlessly between theory and application.

The 10th Edition reflects the most current research on learning, development, motivation and assessment. It features extensive and integrated coverage of diversity, technology, contexts of learning and neuropsychology.

Hallmark features of this title

  • A focus on core concepts, principles and concrete applications zeroes in on fundamental concepts and principles that have broad applicability to classroom practice. 
  • Experiencing Firsthand exercises throughout the book help readers observe principles of educational psychology in themselves. 
  • Chapter-opening Case Studies situate chapter content in a real-life scenario. 
  • Real artifacts from children's journals and school assignments illustrate concepts and principles in action.
  • Developmental Trends tables in most chapters summarize age-typical characteristics at 4 grade levels (K to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 8 and 9 to 12). 

New and updated features of this title

  • UPDATED: An enhanced emphasis on the role of technology in education includes expanded discussions of technology, its use as a learning tool and its broad impact on the lives of children and adolescents. (See the discussion of the role of technology in cognitive development in Ch. 2; technology and its role in peer relationships in Ch. 3 and the new section on online learning in Ch. 8.)
  • UPDATED: Focus on teaching learners how to learn and study is emphasized throughout the text. (See Studying and Learning Effectively in Ch. 1; Thinking about Thinking and Learning How to Learn in Ch. 7 and a new section on helping students learn how to learn in Ch. 12.)
  • UPDATED: Coverage of diversity includes the presentation of new research on the effects of exposure to diversity on cognitive development and an expanded discussion of bilingual education in Ch. 2 and more.
  • UPDATED: Coverage of how to create a positive learning environment and how to deal with challenges like bullying, cyberbullying and microaggressions is included in new sections in Ch. 13. Expanded discussions on the importance of creating a sense of belonging for students and on increasing parental involvement are also presented in Ch. 13.

Features of MyLab Education for the 10th Edition

  • Practice for Your Licensure Exam Exercises at the end of each chapter give students practice answering questions similar to those that appear on teacher licensure tests. The multiple-choice and constructed-response questions offer valuable feedback that helps students focus their study.
  • Video Examples illustrate educational psychology in action, helping students better understand course content.
  • Video Explanations provide video explanations of essential concepts. These brief lectures include animated slides and worked examples. 
  • The Video Analysis Tool exercises help teacher candidates learn to effectively observe and analyze teaching.
  • Classroom Management Simulations challenge students to solve common, day-to-day classroom management issues presented in interactive case studies. If needed, feedback helps students find the correct solution.
  1. Teaching and Educational Psychology

Part I: Development and Diversity

  1. Cognitive and Linguistic Development
  2. Personal and Social Development
  3. Group Differences
  4. Individual Differences and Special Educational Needs

Part II: Learning and Motivation

  1. Learning, Cognition, and Memory
  2. Complex Cognitive Processes
  3. Learning and Cognition in Context
  4. Behaviorist Views of Learning
  5. Social Cognitive Views of Learning
  6. Motivation and Affect

Part III: Classroom Strategies

  1. Instructional Strategies
  2. Creating a Productive Learning Environment
  3. Classroom Assessment Strategies
  4. Summarizing Students’ Achievements and Abilities


  1. Describing Associations with Correlation Coefficients
  2. Determining Reliability and Predictive Validity
  3. Matching Book and MyLab Education Content to the Praxis® Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests

About our authors

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod holds a B.A. degree in psychology from Brown University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in educational psychology from The Pennsylvania State University. For many years she was a faculty member at the University of Northern Colorado, where she taught courses in learning and cognition, educational psychology, measurement and research methods; she is currently Professor Emerita of Psychological Sciences at UNC. Dr. Ormrod has published numerous research articles but is probably best known for this book and several other textbooks: Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (9th ed., 2017); Essentials of Educational Psychology (5th ed., 2018); Our Minds, Our Memories: Enhancing Thinking and Learning at All Ages (2011); Child Development and Education (with Teresa McDevitt; 6th ed., 2016) and Practical Research: Planning and Design (with Paul Leedy, 12th ed., 2019).

Eric M. Anderman holds a B.S. degree in Psychology and Spanish from Tufts University, an Ed.M. from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from The University of Michigan. After completing his Masters degree, he worked as a high school and middle school teacher for several years, before returning to graduate school. He is currently Professor of Educational Psychology and Chair of the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. His research focuses on (a) academic motivation, (b) academic cheating, and (c) motivation and risky behavior during adolescence. He is currently the editor of the journal, Theory into Practice and formerly was associate editor of the Journal of Educational Psychology. He coauthors 2 other text books also published by Pearson: Classroom Motivation (now in its second edition) with Lynley Anderman and Adolescent Development for Educators, with Alison Ryan and Tim Urdan. He recently co-edited the 3rd edition of the Handbook of Educational Psychology (published by Routledge) with Lyn Corno, and The International Guide to Student Achievement (published by Routledge) with John Hattie.

Lynley H. Anderman received her B.A. and M.A. (Hons.) in Education from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and her Ph.D. from the Combined Program in Education and Psychology at The University of Michigan. A graduate of North Shore Teachers College (Auckland, New Zealand) she taught for several years in primary and intermediate schools in Auckland. Currently, she is Professor of Educational Psychology at The Ohio State University. She has published and presented extensively on academic motivation, particularly in relation to the roles of instructional and social-relational characteristics of classrooms that support students' motivation and engagement, including students' sense of belonging, teacher-student and peer relationships. She also has written and presented on the role of educational psychology in teacher education. Dr. Anderman is the former editor of the Journal of Experimental Education and former associate editor of Theory into Practice. She has coedited Psychology of Classroom Learning (published by Cengage) and Classroom Motivation (published by Pearson) with Eric Anderman.

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