Econometric Analysis, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (March 30, 2017) © 2018

  • William H. Greene Stern School of Business, New York University



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For first-¿year graduate courses in Econometrics for Social Scientists.

Bridging the gap between social science studies and econometric analysis

Designed to bridge the gap between social science studies and field-econometrics, Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition presents this ever-growing area at an accessible graduate level. The book first introduces students to basic techniques, a rich variety of models, and underlying theory that is easy to put into practice. It then presents students with a sufficient theoretical background to understand advanced techniques and to recognize new variants of established models. This focus, along with hundreds of worked numerical examples, ensures that students can apply the theory to real-world application and are prepared to be successful economists in the field.

Presents students with a solid understanding of applied econometrics and theoretical concepts

This text has two objectives that are intended to help students bridge the gap between the field of econometrics and the professional literature for graduate students in social sciences:

  • To introduce students to applied econometrics.
  • To present students with sufficient theoretical background so they will recognize new variants of the models learned about here as natural extensions of common principles.

Introduces important concepts necessary to understand the fundamental concepts of econometrics

The arrangement of this text begins with formal presentation of the development of the fundamental pillar of econometrics. Some highlights include:

  • The classical linear regression model (Chapters 1¿ to 7).
  • The generalized regression model and non¿linear regressions (Chapters 8¿ to 11).
  • Instrumental variables and their application to the estimation of simultaneous equations models (Chapters 12 and 13).
  • A Matrix Algebra contains descriptions of numerical methods that are useful to practicing econometricians.

Provides engaging real-¿world examples to help students understand course material

Once the fundamental concepts are addressed, the second half proceeds to explain the involved methods of analysis that contemporary researchers use in analysis of real-world data.

  • Chapters 14¿ to 18 present different estimation methodologies such as:
    • Parametric and nonparametric methods
    • Generalized method of moments estimator
    • Maximum likelihood estimation
    • Bayesian methods

Offers details on the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and broad coverage of all possible alternatives to MLE

  • The treatment of MLE is compartmentalized in this edition. For example, Chapter 16 has been streamlined into one presentation of the MLE, covering the:
    • Multiplicative heteroscedasticity model
    • Random effects model
    • Regressions model
  • Robust alternatives to the MLE, such as moments-based estimators for the random effects linear model are also covered.

Shares articles and journals featuring the most recent developments in econometrics

  • UPDATED! New and interesting developments have been included in the area of microeconometrics (panel data and models for discrete choice) and in time series which continues its rapid development.

Updated and streamlined for the 8th Edition

  • UPDATED! A revised presentation throughout the book streamlines the development of topics and improves clarity.
    • REVISED! Material related to Causal Inference now features earlier in the book to better align with students’ studies.
    • NEW! Chapter 6 features discussion of difference regression as a method and regression discontinuity designs.
    • REVISED! Chapter 8 now includes the analysis of treatment effects as well as more detailed treatment of instrumental variable methods.
    • UPDATED! Chapter 10 shifts further from its prior focus on formal simultaneous linear equations models to systems of regression equations.
    • REVISED! Chapters 4 (Least Squares), 6 (Functional Forms), 8 (Endogeneity), 10 (Equation Systems) and 11 (Panel Data) have been heavily revised to emphasize both contemporary econometric methods and their applications.
  • NEW! Additional examples and extracts from applications feature in the 8th Edition. Applications are drawn from a range of different fields including industrial organization, transportation, health economics, popular culture and sports, urban development, and labor economics.
  • UPDATED! Robust estimation and inference methods are now more extensively woven into the general methodology and practice in the text.

Shares articles and journals featuring the most recent developments in econometrics

  • New and interesting developments have been included in the area of microeconometrics (panel data and models for discrete choice) and in time series which continues its rapid development.

Updated and streamlined for the 8th Edition

  • A revised presentation throughout the book streamlines the development of topics and improves clarity.
    • Material related to Causal Inference now features earlier in the book to better align with students’ studies.
    • Chapter 6 features discussion of difference regression as a method and regression discontinuity designs.
    • Chapter 8 now includes the analysis of treatment effects as well as more detailed treatment of instrumental variable methods.
    • Chapter 10 shifts further from its prior focus on formal simultaneous linear equations models to systems of regression equations.
    • Chapters 4 (Least Squares), 6 (Functional Forms), 8 (Endogeneity), 10 (Equation Systems) and 11 (Panel Data) have been heavily revised to emphasize both contemporary econometric methods and their applications.
  • Additional examples and extracts from applications feature in the 8th Edition. Applications are drawn from a range of different fields including industrial organization, transportation, health economics, popular culture and sports, urban development, and labor economics.
  • Robust estimation and inference methods are now more extensively woven into the general methodology and practice in the text. 

PART I. The Linear Regression Model

2. The Linear Regression Model
3. Least Squares
4. Estimating the Regression Model by Least Squares
5. Hypothesis Tests and Model Selection
6. Functional Form, Difference in Differences and Structural Change
7. Nonlinear, Semiparametric and Nonparametric Regression Models
8. Endogeneity and Instrumental Variable Estimation

    PART II. Generalized Regression Model and Systems of Equations

    9. The Generalized Regression Model and Heteroscedasticity

    10. Systems of Regression Equations

    11. Models for Panel Data


    PART III. Estimation Methodology

    12. Estimation Frameworks in Econometrics

    13. Minimum Distance Estimation and the Generalized Method of Moments

    14. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    15. Simulation-Based Estimation and Inference and Random Parameter Models

    16. Bayesian Estimation and Inference


    PART IV. Cross Sections, Panel Data and Microeconometrics

    17. Binary Outcomes and Discrete Choices

    18. Multinomial Choices and Event Counts

    19. Limited Dependent Variables, Truncation, Censoring and Sample Selection


    PART V. Time Series and Macroeconometrics

    20. Serial Correlation

    21. Nonstationary Data


    PART VI. Appendices

    Appendix A: Matrix Algebra

    Appendix B: Probability and Distribution Theory

    Appendix C: Estimation and Inference

    Appendix D: Large Sample Distribution Theory

    Appendix E: Computation and Optimization

    Appendix F: Data Sets Used In Applications

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