Data Analysis with SPSS: A First Course in Applied Statistics, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (December 27, 2010) © 2012

  • Stephen A. Sweet Ithaca College
  • Karen A. Grace-Martin Cornell University

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Data Analysis with SPSS is designed to teach students how to explore data in a systematic manner using the most popular professional social statistics program on the market today.

Written in ten manageable chapters, this book first introduces students to the approach researchers use to frame research questions and the logic of establishing causal relations. Students are then oriented to the SPSS program and how to examine data sets. Subsequent chapters guide them through univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, graphic analysis, and multivariate analysis. Students conclude their course by learning how to write a research report and by engaging in their own research project.

Each book is packaged with a disk containing the GSS (General Social Survey) file and the States data files. The GSS file contains 100 variables generated from interviews with 2,900 people, concerning their behaviors and attitudes on a wide variety of issues such as abortion, religion, prejudice, sexuality, and politics. The States data allows comparison of all 50 states with 400 variables indicating issues such as unemployment, environment, criminality, population, and education. Students will ultimately use these data to conduct their own independent research project with SPSS.

  • A succinct introduction to the empirical foundations of research (Chapter 1)
  • An overview of variable structures and the mechanics of entering information (Chapter 2)
  • Integration of numeric and visual displays of data (Chapter 3)
  • Instruction on how to construct variables and transform data (Chapter 4)
  • Direction on moving projects from univariate to bivariate to multi-variable analysis with descriptive statistics, significance tests, correlations, crosstabulations, ANOVA, linear regressions, logistic regressions and numerous other data analysis strategies
  • Exercises that provide guided hands-on experiences (ex. p. 69)
  • Research projects that open opportunities for independent data exploration (ex. p. 225)
  • Guidance on how write research-based reports (ex. p. 213)
  • MySearchLab with eText can be packaged with this text.

    o   MySearchLab provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.

    o   eText – Just like the printed text, you can highlight and add notes to the eText or download it to your iPad.

    o   Assessment – Chapter quizzes and flashcards offer immediate feedback and report directly to the gradebook.

    o   Writing and Research – A wide range of writing, grammar and research tools and access to a variety of academic journals, census data, help you hone your writing and research skills.

  • Updated for use with SPSS version 18
  • Provides data on social structures with over 150 variables revealing state level variation within the United States on concerns such as crime, health, and education (ex. p. 192) 
  • Provides data on attitudes and behaviors with over 125 variables from the 2008 General Social Survey on concerns such as political attitudes, sexuality, parenting, and substance abuse (ex. p. 173)
  • MySearchLab with eText can be packaged with this text.

    o   MySearchLab provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.

    o   eText – Just like the printed text, you can highlight and add notes to the eText or download it to your iPad.

    o   Assessment – Chapter quizzes and flashcards offer immediate feedback and report directly to the gradebook.

    o   Writing and Research – A wide range of writing, grammar and research tools and access to a variety of academic journals, census data, help you hone your writing and research skills.







Chapter 1  •   Key Concepts in Social Science Research        

Chapter 2  •   Getting Started: Accessing, Examining, and Saving  

Chapter 3   •  Univariate Analysis: Descriptive Statistics         

Chapter 4   • Constructing Variables     

Chapter 5   •  Assessing Association through Bivariate Analysis          

Chapter 6   •  Comparing Group Means through Bivariate Analysis            

Chapter 7   •  Modeling Relationships of Multiple Variables with Linear Regression                                 

Chapter 8   •  Logistic Regression        

Chapter 9   •  Writing a Research Report         

Chapter 10 •  Research Projects                      




Chapter 1  • Key Concepts in Social Science Research      


            Framing Topics Into Research Questions           

            Theories and Hypotheses            

            Population and Samples                        

            Relationships and Causality        

            Data Sets                                      

            Parts of a Data Set                        

            Reliability and Validity                 


            Key Terms       



Chapter 2 •  Getting Started: Accessing, Examining, and Saving Data                      


            The Layout of SPSS     

            Types of Variables       

            Initial Settings                           

            Defining and Saving a New Data Set                 

            Managing Data Sets: Dropping and Adding Variables, Merging Data Sets

            Dropping and Adding Variables                         

            Merging and Importing Files                                  

            Loading and Examining an Existing File     


            Key Terms            



Chapter 3  •  Univariate Analysis: Descriptive Statistics        


            Why Do Researchers Perform Univariate Analysis?                   

            Exploring Distributions of Scale Variables                                      

            Exploring Distributions of Categorical Variables               


            Key Terms      



Chapter 4  • Constructing Variables     


            Why Construct New Variables From Existing Data?      

            Recoding Existing Variables                  

            Computing New Variables                    

            Recording Computations Using Syntax   

            Minimizing Missing Values in Computing New Variables       


            Key Terms       



Chapter 5  •  Assessing Association through Bivariate Analysis          


            Why Do We Need Significance Tests?            

            Analyzing Bivariate Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables   

            Analyzing Bivariate Relationships Between Two Scale Variables            


            Key Terms      



Chapter 6  •  Comparing Group Means through Bivariate Analysis            


            One-Way Analysis of Variance    

            Post-hoc Tests                            

            Assumptions of ANOVA             

            Graphing the Results of ANOVA          

            T tests              


            Key Terms      



Chapter 7  •  Modeling Relationships of Multiple Variables with Linear Regression                          


            The Advantages of Modeling Relationships in Multiple Regression           

            Linear Regression: A Bivariate Example                                      

            Multiple Linear Regression        

            Other Concerns In Applying Linear Regression    

            Building Multiple Variable Models         


            Key Terms       



Chapter 8  •  Logistic Regression        


            What Is Logistic Regression?                

            When Can I Use a Logistic Regression?             

            Understanding  Relationships through Probabilities          

            Logistic Regression: A Bivariate Example                         

            Multiple Variable Logistic Regression: An Example           


            Key Terms          



Chapter 9  •  Writing a Research Report         


            Writing Style and Audience                      

            The Structure of a Report                        


            Key Terms           



Chapter 10  •  Research Projects                      

            Potential Research Projects                      

            Research Project 1: Racism                      

            Research Project 2: Suicide                       

            Research Project 3: Criminality                 

            Research Project 4: Welfare and Other Public Aid Consumption                  

            Research Project 5: Sexual Behavior          

            Research Project 6: Education                 

            Research Project 7: Health                   

            Research Project 8: Happiness              

            Research Project 9: Your Topic                            


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