College Writing Essentials: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 27, 2007) © 2008

  • David Skwire The City University of New York LaGuardia Community College
  • Harvey S. Wiener

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The first brief rhetorically-organized writing guide of its kind, College Writing Essentials presents comprehensive coverage of the six most frequently taught modes as well as the writing process and research.

Most “brief” modes-based writing guides contain over 700 pages of writing instruction and readings, more content than can typically be covered in a course.  College Writing Essentials is the first truly brief alternative: while instruction of prewriting, drafting, revising, and research writing is comprehensive, only the six most frequently taught modes–including Argument–are presented.

  • Comprehensive coverage of the writing process addresses all aspects of writing, from prewriting and outlining to drafting and revising, in clear and accessible language.
  • Only the most frequently taught modes are presented--Description, Example, Process, Comparison and Contrast, Cause and Effect, and Argumentation-eliminating content most writing teachers do not cover in order to offer a truly brief alternative.
  • Over 25 student essays are presented, and one third are annotated to help students recognize the decisions that other student writers have made. 
  • More than 40 professional selections include both classic and contemporary essays, photographs, cartoons, and web sites, providing students with content to respond to in their own writing as well as models for different rhetorical strategies.
  • Photo-based writing assignments, “From Images to Words,” encourage students to write critically and analytically about visuals.
  • Argument writing prompts, “Having Your Say,” throughout the text ask students to think about a high-interest or controversial topic about which they have read and argue a position, strengthening their argumentation skills as a component of each chapter’s writing assignments.
  • Critical Thinking activities, “Crosscurrents,” at the end of the readings in each chapter in Part II encourage students to make connections between themes, ideas, and issues.
  • “Collaborative Learning” activities create opportunities for students to learn in groups as they discuss reading selections and student samples.
  • Coverage of literary analysis, essay exams, research, source-based writing, and style makes this an ideal brief book for programs that need to accommodate multiple teaching styles. 

Detailed Contents.

Preface to the Instructor.


Preface to the Student.


I. The Principles of Good Reading and Writing.


1. Getting Started.


Critical Reading in Action.

Reading for Best Results.

How Critical Reading Works.

Lawrence Downes, "The Shy, Egg-Stealing Neighbor You Didn't Know You Had"

George Orwell, “A Hanging.”

Reading Visual Images.

Examining an Advertisement.

“Nitro Drivers Always Make New Friends” [Advertisement]

Active Writing

Limiting Your Subject

Determining Your Purpose and Audience.

Writing a Thesis.


Writing Drafts.

One Student Writing.

John Fousek, “My Roommate.” [Student essay]

Writing at a Computer.


2. Finding and Supporting a Thesis.


The Thesis.

Stating Your Thesis.

Supporting Your Thesis: Details.

Student Writing: Thesis and Details.

Thomas Healey, “You Must Be Crazy!” [Student essay]

Models and Ideas for Writing.

Nicholas Kristof, “Love and Race.”

Langston Hughes, “Salvation.”

W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, "Scientists Are Made, Not Born."

Richard Rodriguez, “Complexion.”


3. Planning a Paper: Outlining.


The Formal Outline.

The Formal Outline Format.

Topic and Sentence Outlines.

From Outline to Essay: One Student Writing.

Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Ozymandias.” [Poem]

Alan Benjamin, “Enough Despair to go Around.” [Student essay]

Preparing Your Outline.


4. Writing a Paper: An Overview of Parts.


The Introduction.

The Body.

Topic Sentences.

Student Writing: Topic Sentences.

Hugh Nicholes, “The Mechanics of Backyard Mechanics.” [Student essay]


Paragraph Development.

The Conclusion.


5. Revising and Editing Your Paper.


One Student Revising and Editing.

Learning from Other Students: Peer Review.

Intermediate Draft: John Fousek, “My Roommate.” [Student essay]

Learning from Your Instructors Comments.

Draft with Instructor's Comments.

Putting It All Together.


Final Draft: John Fousek, "My Roommate." [Student essay]

A Brief Note on Style.


II. Methods of Development.


6. Description.


Writing Your Descriptive Paper.

Student Writing: Description.

Nick Fiscina, “Dad's Disappointment.” [Student essay]

Matt Hatfield, “Summer.” [Student essay]

Critical Reading: Description

Esmerelda Santiago, "A Blanco Navidad for New Yorikans"

Models and Ideas for Writing.

Roger Angell, “On the Ball.”

Joan Didion, "Marrying Absurd."

Annie Dillard, “Strangers to Darkness.”


7. Example.


Writing Your Example Paper.

Student Writing: Example.

Monica Branch, “Keep It Simple.” [Student essay]

Ben McCorkle, “The Simpsons: A Mirror of Society.” [Student essay]

Critical Reading: Example

Verlyn Klinkenborg, "Inside the Mind's Eye, a Network of Highways."

Models and Ideas for Writing.

John Updike, “Still Afraid of Being Caught.”

Gary Soto, “Looking for Work.”

Judy Brady, “I Want a Wife.”


8. Process.


Writing Your Process Paper.

Student Writing: Process.

Michael Wollan, “Coffee Time.” [Student essay]

Student Writing: Using Sources

Christopher Anlitz, “The iPod Image.”  [Student essay]

Models and Ideas for Writing.

R. H. Kauffman, “How to Survive a Hotel Fire.”

Alexander Petrunkevitch, “The Spider and the Wasp.”

Susan Douglas, “Remote Control: How to Raise a Media Skeptic.”

Nikki Giovanni, "Campus Racism 101."


9. Comparison and Contrast.


Writing Your Comparison/Contrast Paper.

Student Writing: Comparison/Contrast.

Subject-by-Subject Pattern.

Lea Fasolo, “Life after Death.” [Student essay]

Point-by-Point Pattern.

Barry Barnett, “Smarter But.” [Student essay]

Combined Patterns of Comparision and Contrast.

Stacy Kissenger, “Birds of a Feather.” [Student essay]

Robert Baptise, “Living in Two Cultures Takes Adjustment.” [Student essay]

Models and Ideas for Writing.

Shirley Jackson, “Charles.”

Saki (H.H. Murro), “The Open Window.”

Mary Wilkins Freeman, “The Revolt of Mother.” [Story]

Legalizing Drugs: Two Websites for Comparison and Contrast.

Office of National Drug Control Policy, "Marijuana Myths and Facts" [Web site]

Marijuana Policy Project: United States, “MPP: Marijuana Policy Project.” [Web site]

Love, Sweet Love: Two Poems for Comparison and Contrast.

William Shakespeare, Sonnet 29, “When in disgrace with fortune and mens eyes.”

William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130, “My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun.”

Julie Olivera, “Two Kinds of Love.”

Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens), “The Professional.”

William Zinsser, “Speaking of Writing.”

Suzanne Britt, “That Lean and Hungry Look.”


10. Cause and Effect.


Writing Your Cause-and-Effect Paper.

Student Writing: Cause and Effect.

Richard S. Smith, “Cause for Failure.” [Student essay]

Student Writing: Using Sources

Laura Merkner, “Children of Television.” [Student essay]

Models and Ideas For Writing.

Tony Sachs and Sal Nunziato, “Spinning Into Oblivion.”

Mohan Sivanand, “Why I Write Wrong.”

Betty Rollin, “The Best Years of My Life.”

Brent Staples, "What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace."

Mike Twohy, “Reassigned Pending an Investigation.” [Cartoon]


11. Argumentation.


Using Logic.



Using Induction and Deduction.

Avoiding Logical Fallacies.

Writing Your Argumentation Paper.

Student Writing: Argumentation.

Mary Ann Martin, “Self-Serve Is No Serve.” [Student essay]

Pro and Con: Arguments on Controversial Topics. 

Student Writing: Opposing Views On Immigrants In America.

Joey Maresca, “American Dream Is Not a Reality for Immigrants.” [Student essay]

Shiva Bhaskar, “U.S. Policies Toward Immigrants Are Unjust.” [Student essay]

Student Writing: Opposing Views on Global Warming

Malie Matsumoto, "Natural Disasters Caused by Negligence." [Student essay]

Taylor Williams, "No Singular Culprit in Global Warming Trend." [Student essay]

Models and Ideas For Writing.

Michael E. Levin, “The Case for Torture.”

Meg Greenfield, “In Defense of the Animals.”

Thomas Jefferson, “Declaration of Independence.”

Jim Borgman, “The Concert Hasn't Started Yet, Harold....” [Cartoon]

Student Writing: Opposing Views on the Death Penalty: Four Viewpoints.

Lauren Heist, “Capital Punishment: An Example for Criminals.”

Alex Shalom, “Abolish the Death Penalty.”

Mark Essig, "Continuing the Search for Kinder Executions."

Robert Mankoff, "Good News..." [Cartoon]

Opposing Positions on Same-Sex Marriages: Five Viewpoints.

Andrew Sullivan, “Let Gays Marry.”

Lisa Schiffren, “Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron.”, “Please Help Preserve the Traditional Judeo-Christian Institution of Marriage.” [Web site], "Support Marriage Equality for All." [Web Site]

Dan Wasserman, "All We Want Is a Marriage." [Cartoon]


12. Mixing Methods of Development


Writing Your Paper of Mixed Modes of Development.

Student Writing: Mixing Methods in Developing Your Essay.

Brian Jarvis, "Against the Great Divide." [Student essay]

Critical Reading: Mixed Methods of Development.

Timothy K. Beal, "Bibles du Jour."

Models and Ideas For Writing.

Chang Rae Lee, "Coming Home Again."

Bailey White, "My Real Car."

Herbert J. Gans, “Fitting the Poor Into the Economy.”

Resha Memon Yaqub, “Your People Did This.”



III. Special Writing.


13. Literary Analysis.


Writing Your Analysis of Literature.

Student Writing: Literary Analysis.

Harriett McKay, “The Beginning of the End.” [Student essay]

Readings for Writing.

Jamaica Kincaid, “Girl.” [Story]

Ann Petry, “Doby's Gone.” [Story]

Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart.” [Story]


14. Writing Essay Exams.


Preparing for the Exam.

Evaluating the Question.

Planning and Writing Your Essay.



IV. Research.


15. Doing Research.


Choosing Your Subject.

The Research Paper with a Thesis.

Developing Your Thesis.

Preliminary Reading.

Research on the Internet.

Searching the World Wide Web.

"Googling" Your Subject.

Evaluating Web Sites.

Taking Notes.

Quotation of Sources.

Summary and Paraphrase of Sources.

Disagreements: Facts and Opinions.

Writing a Formal Outline.


16. Writing Your Research Paper.


Using Sources.

Quoting an Original Source in Your Paper.

Paraphrasing an Original Source in Your Paper.

Direct Quotations: How Many?

Documentation in the Humanities: MLA Style.

Parenthetical Documentation.

A List of Works Cited.

Citing Electronic Sources.

Explanatory Notes.

Preparing the Works Cited List.

Documentation in the Social Sciences: APA Style.

Parenthetical Citation.

The List of References.

Preparing Your APA References List.


Writing Your Research Paper: Draft Stages.

The First Draft.

Subsequent Drafts.

Toward the Final Copy.

Preparing Your Manuscript.

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing Research Papers.

Sample Research Paper.

Elizabeth Kessler, “The Banning of the Polygraph.” [Student essay]


V. A Minibook on Style.


17. Proper Words in Proper Places.


Denotation and Connotation.

Abstract Writing and Concrete Writing.

Specific Details.

Specific Words and Phrases.



18. Effective Sentences.


Wordiness and Economy.


Pointless Repetition of Meaning.

Cutting Inadequate Clauses.

Delay of Subject.

Passive Verbs.

Faulty Parallelism.

Faulty Subordination and Sentence Combining.

Sentence Monotony and Variety.

Sentence Length.

Sentence Structure.


19. Additional Notes on Style: Problems and Solutions.




Repetition, Good and Bad.

Repetition for Clarity.

Repetition for Impact.

Undesirable Repetition of Meaning.

Undesirable Repetition of the Same Word.

Undesirable Repetition of Sounds.


Fancy Writing.

Sexist Language.

Miscellaneous Do's and Don'ts.


VI. Handbook




Correction Symbols and Abbreviations.


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