Cities and Urban Life, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (September 22, 2023) © 2024

  • John J. Macionis Kenyon College
  • Vincent N. Parrillo William Paterson University


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For courses in Urban Sociology.

A comprehensive overview of classic and contemporary urban sociology

Cities and Urban Life provides an overview of urban environments around the world. Authors John Macionis and Vincent Parrillo utilize an approach that is multidisciplinary but fundamentally sociological. Throughout this accessible text, they explore how cities have evolved over time, how cities reflect culture, and where the urban story may take us next.

The 8th Edition offers fresh coverage of relevant topics such as the impact of the digital age upon cities, plus additional theories about urban crime. New profiles of Berlin, Buenos Aires and Caracas show key concepts in contemporary contexts.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Four main themes guide students through the text: cities and urban life vary according to time and place; cities reflect and intensify society and culture; cities reveal the best and the worst about the human condition; and cities offer the promise, but not always the reality, of a better life.
  • Boxed features bring particular topics to life, engaging students.
    • Urban Trends boxes depict patterns shaping people's way of life.
    • Urban Living boxes provide close-up looks at how people really live.
    • Cityscape boxes present accounts and analyses of significant dimensions of urban life.
  • Case studies illustrate key points via a sociohistorical look at major cities in various regions. Cities profiled include London, New York, Hellenic Athens and Beijing.

New and updated features of this title

  • UPDATED: The 8th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent and relevant studies and data from more than 630 reference sources. Almost all are from the twenty-first century, with the remaining 40 citations drawn mostly from classic studies.
  • NEW: The authors have incorporated coverage of contemporary topics throughout the 8th Edition. Highlights include the pandemic's impact upon cities, the variety of approaches to the greening of cities, and how changing lifestyles affect residence and work choices.
  • UPDATED: City Snapshot boxes offer brief profiles of specific cities to illustrate the chapter's main points. The 8th Edition includes new profiles of Berlin, Buenos Aires and Caracas and updated profiles of Denver, Singapore, Paris, London and St. Louis.
  • NEW: Coverage of the digital age throughout the 8th Edition emphasizes the relevance of the contributions of Georg Simmel and Kevin Lynch.
  • NEW: The authors present additional theories about urban crime. They examine public perception of crime through the lenses of social cognitive, broken windows, general strain, and social disorganization theories.
  • UPDATED: Chapter 14: The Future of Cities offers extensive new material on past and present urban planning, yielding exciting insights into the urban world of tomorrow.

Part 1: Understanding the City

  1. Exploring the City
  2. Evolution of the World's Cities
  3. Development of Canadian and US Cities
  4. Today's Cities and Suburbs

Part 2: Disciplinary Perspectives

  1. Urban Sociology
  2. Spatial Perspectives
  3. Critical Urban Theory
  4. The Context of Cities
  5. Comparative Urbanism

Part 3: The Structure of the City

  1. Stratification and Social Class
  2. Urban Diversity
  3. Urban Problems
  4. Global Urbanization
  5. The Future of Cities

About our authors

John J. Macionis (pronounced “ma-SHOW-nis”) has lived “a sociology life,” both as a textbook author and as a classroom teacher for more than 50 years. This journey began at Cornell University, where John earned a bachelor's degree, majoring in sociology, and continued as he completed a doctorate in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania.

His publications are wide-ranging, focusing on community life in the United States, interpersonal intimacy in families, effective teaching, humor, new information technology, and the importance of global education. Macionis is the author of Sociology, Society: The Basics and Social Problems, the most popular text in the field. He collaborates on numerous international editions of these titles, including Sociology: Canadian Edition; Society: The Basics, Canadian Edition; and Sociology: A Global Introduction. These titles are also available in more than a dozen foreign-language editions.For the latest on all the Macionis textbooks, as well as information about how sociology can encourage social change, visit the author's personal website.

In 2002, the American Sociological Association presented Macionis with the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching, citing his innovative use of global material and teaching technology in his textbooks. John served as Professor and Prentice Hall Distinguished Scholar at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where he taught for 35 years before his retirement.

Throughout his career, Macionis expanded his understanding by engaging in academic programs in other countries, traveling to more than 50 nations. He writes, “I have always been an ambitious traveler, eager to learn and, through the texts, to share what I discover with students, many of whom know little about the rest of the world. For me, traveling and writing are all dimensions of teaching. First, and foremost, I am a teacher. A passion for teaching animates everything I do.”

In his free time, Macionis enjoys tennis, swimming, hiking, and playing oldies rock- and-roll, which are available on his website. He is an environmental activist in the Lake George region of New York's Adirondack Mountains, working with a number of organizations, including the Lake George Land Conservancy, where he served for more than a decade as president of the board of directors. Currently, his non-profit focus has been expanding public understanding of US history, and he now chairs the board of trustees at Fort Ticonderoga, a national center of teaching and learning that offers a broad range of digital historical material.

Professor Macionis welcomes (and responds to) comments and suggestions about his texts. Send him an e-mail to

Vincent N. Parrillo hails from Paterson, New Jersey, the locale of 5 award-winning PBS documentaries that he wrote, narrated and produced. His bachelor's degree in business administration (Seton Hall University), master's degree in English (Montclair State University), and doctorate in sociology (Rutgers University) offer insight into his diversified fields of interest.

His textbooks include multiple editions of Strangers to These Shores, Understanding Race and Ethnic Relations, Diversity in America, and Contemporary Social Problems. Other books are Rethinking Today's Minorities and Millennium Haze. He is general editor of the 2-volume Encyclopedia of Social Problems. In addition, he published 2 historical novels, Guardians of the Gate and Defenders of Freedom. His latest book, Hearts and Minds: Hizmet Schools and Interethnic Relations, is the product of 4 years of field research in Albania, Bosnia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania and the United States. His books and journal articles have been published in 10 languages.

Professor emeritus of sociology at William Paterson University, he also served there as Director of the Paterson Metropolitan Region Research Center. Twice his university honored him with its Award for Excellence in Creative Expression and Scholarship, as well as bestowing its prestigious Legacy Award.

Parrillo is also a Fulbright Scholar and Senior Fulbright Specialist. For the US Embassy (Czechia), he conducted numerous teacher workshops on multicultural education throughout the country and worked with regional Roma leaders on improving intergroup relations. The US Embassy (Germany) twice asked him to conduct multiple-session workshops for teachers. At the US Embassy (Brussels), he presented a talk on the role of race in presidential elections to diplomats and non-governmental organizational leaders.

A visiting professor at Palacký University, University of Liege, and University of Pisa, he gave many other presentations in Asia and Europe, under US Department of State sponsorship. His nationwide speaking tour in Canada included universities from Vancouver to Toronto, presentations in Calgary to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and TV interviews on Canadian national television shows.

A keynote speaker at international conferences in Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, and South Korea, he has conferred with national leaders in Canada, Czechia, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania and Sweden on immigration issues. Parrillo also conducted numerous diversity training sessions for NCOs and senior officers at various military bases for the US Department of Defense.

He is a past vice president and Williams Distinguished Lecturer of the Eastern Sociological Society. His theater interests include directing many community theater productions and being co-lyricist of Hamlet: The Rock Opera, professionally performed in New York City, Bratislava, Prague, Seoul and Tokyo. Professor Parrillo invites and encourages readers to e-mail him ( and promises to reply.

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