C++ for Java Programmers, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 28, 2003) © 2003

  • Mark A. Weiss

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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  • Accessible presentation.
    • Takes into consideration students' Java background, and offers them a highly usable presentation on the key C++ features.

  • Contains insightful Java versus C++ comparative material.
    • Leverages students and teachers knowledge of Java by providing information about key language differences.

    • Allows a faster path to productive C++ programming than 1000 page tomes.

  • Includes thorough coverage of OOP.
    • Students can transfer their OOP skills to the Rich C++ environment while avoiding traps and pitfalls.

  • Coverage of C programming material.
    • Useful for advanced courses that require C programming or C++ programming that interfaces with C-style library routines.

  • An entire chapter devoted to JNI.
    • Includes practical advice about C++ traps and pitfalls.

 0. Introduction.

 1. Basic Types and Control Structures.

 2. Functions, Arrays, Strings, and Parameter Passing.

 3. Pointers and Reference Variables.

 4. Object-Based Programming: Classes.

 5. Operator Overloading.

 6. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance.

 7. Templates.

 8. Abnormal Control Flow.

 9. Input and Output.

10. Collections: The Standard Template Library.

11. Primitive Arrays and Strings.

12. C-Style C++.

13. Using Java and C++: The JNI.



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