Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (October 1, 2004) © 2005

  • W James Potter University of California, Santa Barbara

For courses in Critical Thinking, Freshman Experience, College Orientation, Study Skills, and Information Literacy.

This book addresses the biggest challenges facing students today: (1) dealing with the flood of information in all courses and from society at large; and (2) learning how to discern good information from bad. By addressing these challenges, this book shows students how to become a Strategic Thinker and thereby be more efficient in making decisions about what information to access and then what to do with this information in their courses and their lives.

  • Goes beyond other critical thinking texts. (pg. xi-xiii).
    • Shows students in a much more detailed way how to think for themselves.

  • A focus on eight generic skills—Includes detailed chapters on 1) analysis; 2) evaluation; 3) induction; 4) deduction; 5) grouping; 6) synthesis; 7) abstracting; and 8) persuasive expression. (pg. iii).
    • Builds students' skills that are essential in all departments in all colleges.

  • Learning objectives—Begins each chapter with a set of learning objectives, alerting students to focus on competencies and understandings. (pg. 1).
    • Allows students to keep the “big picture” in mind as they read through the chapter.

  • Running glossary—Contained in the margins next to text; provides short, clear definitions for each key term where they are introduced. (pg. 54; 57; 60).
    • Gives students easy access to all definitions as they read through the text, enhancing understanding.

  • Exercises in each chapter. (pg. 125-127).
    • Provides students with lots of opportunities to practice the ideas and skills that are presented in the text.

  • A personal tone.
    • Gives students a text that seems as if the author is talking with them rather than to them.

  • Knowledge Styles Diagnostic Inventory (KSDI). (pg. 34-35; pg. 49-50).
    • Allows students to the KSDI on their own to identify their own style for approaching and using information.


MyStudentSuccessLab 3.0 ( is an online solution designed to help students ‘Start strong, Finish stronger’ by building skills for ongoing personal and professional development. This TOPICAL based technology promotes student engagement through:

·          Video interviews on key issues ‘by students, for students’.

·          The Learning Path Diagnostic offers 65 Full Course Pre-Diagnostic (Bloom’s Taxonomy level 1-2) and 65 Full Course Post-Diagnostic Bloom’s Taxonomy level 3-4)questions, and 20 pre-test (Bloom’s Taxonomy level 1-2) and 20 post-test (Bloom’s Taxonomy level 3-4) questions.

·          The Practice exercises improve class preparation and learning. 

·          Graded Activities build critical thinking skills and develop problem-solving abilities (includes Essays and Journaling).

·          Instructors benefit from an Implementation Guide to easily assign and assess progress. 

·          Students have access to relevant FinishStronger247 YouTube videos, the Pearson student Facebook page chock full of tips, MySearchLab use for doing effective research, and more.

PearsonChoices - CourseSmart and Custom Publishing.  

 1. The Challenges.

 2. Strategic Thinking.

 3. Knowledge Styles.

 4. Skill 1: Analysis.

 5. Skill 2: Evaluation.

 6. Skill 3: Induction.

 7. Skill 4: Deduction.

 8. Skill 5: Grouping.

 9. Skill 6: Synthesis.

10. Skill 7: Abstracting.

11. Skill 8: Persuasive Expression.

12. Conclusion.

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