Applied Insurance Analytics: A Framework for Driving More Value from Data Assets, Technologies, and Tools, 1st edition

Published by Pearson FT Press (July 7, 2014) © 2015

  • Patricia L Saporito

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Data is the insurance industry's single greatest asset. Yet many insurers radically underutilize their data assets, and are failing to fully leverage modern analytics. This makes them vulnerable to traditional and non-traditional competitors alike. Today, insurers largely apply analytics in important but stovepiped operational areas like underwriting, claims, marketing and risk management. By and large, they lack an enterprise analytic strategy -- or, if they have one, it is merely an architectural blueprint, inadequately business-driven or strategically aligned.

Now, writing specifically for insurance industry professionals and leaders, Patricia Saporito uncovers immense new opportunities for driving competitive advantage from analytics -- and shows how to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. Drawing on 25+ years of insurance industry experience, Saporito introduces proven best practices for developing, maturing, and profiting from your analytic capabilities.

This user-friendly handbook advocates an enterprise strategy approach to analytics, presenting a common framework you can quickly adapt based on your unique business model and current capabilities. Saporito reviews common analytic applications by functional area, offering specific case studies and examples, and helping you build upon the analytics you're already doing. She presents data governance models and models proven to help you organize and deliver trusted data far more effectively. Finally, she provides tools and frameworks for improving the "analytic IQ" of your entire enterprise, from IT developers to business users.

Insurers: Use analytics to drive far more value from your most important asset -- data!

  • Leverage analytics to improve insurer business performance and customer satisfaction
  • Master insurance industry-specific analytics best practices, plus the most valuable techniques from other industries
  • Understand your current analytics maturity, choose the new applications that offer the most value, and overcome key obstacles to deployment
  • Align your current analytics program with business strategy: gain more value from existing assets, technologies and tools
  • Contains up-to-date case studies, practical tools, and easy-to-use templates

Preface     x
Chapter 1 Analytics in Insurance Overview     1
Chapter 2 Analytics Strategy and Execution Framework     13
Chapter 3 Defining, Prioritizing, and Aligning Needs     23
Chapter 4 Defining and Using Metrics Effectively     35
Chapter 5 Analytics Value and Return on Investment     45
Chapter 6 Data and Information Architecture     61
Chapter 7 Analytics Tools     77
Chapter 8 Organization and Implementation     89
Chapter 9 Analytics Skills and Culture     103
Chapter 10 Use Cases and Case Studies     113
Chapter 11 Future of Insurance Analytics     141
Appendix A Analytics Evolution Models     149
Appendix B Actionability and Metrics Frameworks     151
Appendix C Analytics Blogs and Videos     163
Index     179

Patricia L. Saporito is a senior director for SAP’s Global Center of Excellence for BI and Analytics. She is SAP’s thought leader for analytics in the insurance industry. In her role she provides thought leadership and guidance to help customers leverage their data and technology investments. In addition to insurance she has worked with many other industries including airlines, banking, consumer products, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, and utilities.

Pat is a faculty member of the International Institute for Analytics (IIA), co-founded by Tom Davenport, and is a frequent speaker at industry and analytics events on the topics of data warehousing, analytics, and BI Strategy. Pat authored the chapter on business value in the recently published IIA book, Analytics in Healthcare and the Life Sciences.

Pat has been a columnist for Best’s Review magazine’s “Technology Insights” column for the past 10 years. She has blogged in various social media outlets. Pat has served in numerous industry roles. She is past president of the Society of Insurance Research, past chair of the Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) Information Technology Section, has been a director of Insurance Data Management Association, and has been an education committee member of Insurance Accounting & Systems Association (IASA). She is also past president of APIW, an organization of executive insurance women.

Pat holds the Society of CPCU professional designation and has been awarded a Fellow of Insurance Data Management by the Insurance Data Management Association (IDMA) in recognition of her advocacy of and contributions to the field of data management and analytics.

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