Anybody's Business, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 24, 2009) © 2010

  • Barbara Van Syckle Jackson Community College
  • Brian Tietje California Polytechnic State University

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Live life, learn business. These are the lessons that will change a students’ life immediately and for a lifetime.

You’ve seen it before, the first day of class students arrive already bored, expecting the same old routine. But you don’t have to give into those blank stares any longer–Anybody’s Business will help you create an experience that’ll keep ‘em coming back for more. Immediately useful, this text wastes no time getting vital business skills across to students by showing them the connections between business concepts and their everyday lives. The skills they learn can be put to use from the moment they leave the classroom and throughout their professional journey.

Live life, learn business. These are the lessons that will change a students’ life immediately and for a lifetime.

You’ve seen it before, the first day of class students arrive already bored, expecting the same old routine. But you don’t have to give into those blank stares any longer—Anybody’s Business will help you create an experience that’ll keep ‘em coming back for more. Immediately useful, this text wastes no time getting vital business skills across to students by showing them the connections between business concepts and their everyday lives. The skills they learn can be put to use from the moment they leave the classroom and throughout their professional journey.

Take a quick tour of the new edition by visiting:

Business Skills That Hit Close to Home.
Nothing hits closer to home than personal experience. Anybody’s Business presents real events in a student’s life—like a trip to the doctor’s office, filing an auto accident claim, or paying the tab at a restaurant—and shows them how these experiences demonstrate important business concepts. Students will see the connections right away, helping them strengthen a set of business skills they may already have.

Lifetime Business Lessons, Learned and Earned Today.

Anybody’s Business focuses on the higher levels of learning—application, synthesis, and evaluation—equipping students with important business skills that will help them solve problems and make decisions in both their personal and professional lives. For example, by enhancing a students’ ability to effectively manage their personal finance they will also be able to understand the workings of finance as it applies to business later on in their career. These are the lessons that will change a students’ life immediately and for a lifetime.

Intentional Topic Selection.

Because you can’t cover every aspect of business in one semester, Anybody’s Business makes intentional choices when it comes to topic coverage. The authors based the selection of content on their discussion with several established global executives and leading professors in their respective disciplines, where they asked, “What’s the most important skill that students walk away from this class with?” Their answers created a table of contents that will show students how business gets done and how they can do it.

Visuals That Matter.

The photos in most college textbooks are simply fillers that students barely glance over. Anybody’s Business makes sure that students get at least a thousand words out of each and every picture. Through the use of hand-drawn illustrations, this text vividly explains the material and stimulates thought, showing the concepts to students that they may not have understood with words alone.

Business Skills Suitable for Anybody.

Some students may enjoy a long, successful career with a single employer or Fortune 500 corporation. Most, however, are likely to work for private firms, nonprofit organizations, or launch their own business. The one thing all of your students have in common is that they will encounter business—and the substantial skills students learn through Anybody’s Business are applicable for any career direction they may take.

Let’s Talk Business.

A writing style that’s direct, conversational, and enjoyable is what will keep students engaged from day one. Anybody’s Business’ clear and concise, approachable and encouraging tone will not only get students involved and invested in the material but will leave them wanting more.

Chapter Features:

The opening of each chapter shows students how they are already “doing” business by making the connection between business and their life. This personal connection helps motivate students to continue reading so that they can build upon their current skill set.

BizSKill invite asks student to log on to and complete a brief, 4 minute animated simulations that lets' them play the role of a decision maker in a business scenario.  There's no better way to learn concepts than to put them into practice.

Through the use of hand-drawn illustrations, this text vividly explains the material and stimulates thought, showing the concepts to students that they may not have understood with words alone.

After each section and at the end of each chapter Anybody’s Business challenges students to put the reading into action. By asking students to approach a relevant problem from either their own perspective, the manager’s, an employee’s, the owner’s or an investor’s, the Prove its and Do its give students the context and experience they need to set their business skills into motion.

Debriefs follow each section and are short, simple bulleted lists that wrap up what was just learned in that section—like mini CliffsNotes for students to help keep them on track with the reading.

Translation Guides” take commonly misunderstood concepts or vocabulary and explain it in simple, plain English, ensuring that students understand the main points of the chapter before moving on.

Pull Quotes stand out in the margins and sum up the main take-away point of the paragraph allowing students to effectively review the chapter.

The Visual Summary sums up the main topics and illustrations in the chapter to keep students on track and help them begin to prepare for assessment. 

It’s not always enough to just read about business.  Students are able to gain the most out of the material by practicing their skills and actually INTERACTING with it in mybizlab!  In addition, you are able to hold students accountable for their work and assess them in a variety of ways.  Some of the resources of mybizlab enable students to

  • Apply and assess their skills in an interactive environment with BizSkill simulations
  • Talk with peers on hot business topics in BizChats
  • Improve their business communication skills and build their own portfolio with the Communication Plan exercises
  • Watch the chapter material come to life with video clips and animations
  • Study on-the-go with Audio Chapter Summaries in MP3 format
  • Brush up on the lecture and content with Audio PowerPoints
  • Identify what areas they need to improve on with the Pretests and Posttests, which generate a personalized study plan

1: Financial Intelligence

    1. Profit: Open Books, Cash Flow, and Income

    2. Build: Balance Sheet, Risk, Financing, and Diversification

    3. Compete: Economics and Competition

    4. Adapt: Monetary and Fiscal Policy, the Economic Cycle, and Economic Systems

    5. Grow: Global

2: Leadership Vision
    6. Lead: Vision, Integrity, Change, and Teams
    7. Own: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Forms of Ownership
    8. Act: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
3: Management Perspective

    9. Plan: Roles, Mission, Strategy, and Plans
    10. Organize: Organizational Structure, Culture, and Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring
    11. Direct, Control, Evaluate Decision Making, Delegating, and Appraising
4: Marketing Savvy

    12. Discover: The Marketing Mix, Market Research, and Target Marketing
    13. Create: Product Innovation, Branding, Pricing, and Value
    14. Communicate: Promotions and Marketing Communications
5: Tech Insight These Chapters Available at

    15. Decide: The IT Organization, Data-Driven Decisions, and IT Risks
    16. Improve: Operations, Quality, and Distribution
6: Beyond Business These Chapters Available at

    17. Connect: Business Presentations, E-mail, and Memos
    18. Enforce: Business Law
    19. Advance: Careers, Networking, and Interviewing
    20. Invest: Your Money, Your Future

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