Addison-Wesley's Java Backpack Reference Guide, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 17, 2004) © 2005

  • Peter DePasquale College of New Jersey

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This book provides a quick reference to Java's most frequently used keywords and APIs.   It is clear and easy-to-use, integrating syntax examples, keyword descriptions, and programming tips in a way that will make it the must-have reference in your backpack. This inexpensive reference provides a lot of information for the introductory and intermediate programming student or someone who just wants the specifics of Java in one handy place.
  • Includes syntax, description, tips for use, and examples of 50 Reserved Words.
  • Reserved words are organized by category (data types, class-related, modifier, control).
  • Includes description, class modifiers, constructors, static fields, static methods, and instance methods for the most commonly used Java APIs.
  • Java 5.0 features incorporated.



Java Fundamentals

Java Escape Sequences

Java Numeric Primitive Types

Java Reserved Literals

Java Logical Operators

Java Equality and Relational Operators

Java Bitwise Operators

Java Widening Conversions

Java Narrowing Conversions

Java Visibility Modifiers

Java Operator Precedence

Summary of Selected Java Packages

Common Java Executable Applications


Java Reserved Words

abstract (modifier)

assert (control)

boolean (data type)

break (control)

byte (data type)

case (control)

catch (control)

 char (data type)

class (class-related)

const (unused)

continue (control)

default (control)

do (control)

double (data type)

else (control)

enum (data type)

extends (class-related)

finally (control)

float (data type)

for (control; iterator-style)

for (control; traditional-style)

goto (unused)

import (class-related)

instanceof (class-related)

int (data type)

interface (class-related)

long (data type)

native (modifier)

new (class-related)

package (class-related)

private (modifier)

protected (modifier)

public (modifier)

return (control)

short (data type)

static (modifier)

strictfp (modifier)

super (class-related)

switch (control)

synchronized (modifier)

this (class-related)

throw (control)

throws (class-related)

transient (modifier)

try (control)

void (data type)

volatile (modifier)

while (control)


Commonly Used Java API Classes and Interfaces

Boolean (class)

Cloneable (interface)

Comparable (interface)

DecimalFormat (class)

Double (class)

Float (class)

Integer (class)

Long (class)

NumberFormat (class)

Random (class)

Scanner (class)

Serializable (interface)

Short (class)

String (class)


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