Content Strategy for the Web, 2nd edition

Published by New Riders (February 10, 2012) © 2012

  • Kristina Halvorson
  • Melissa Rach



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When it was first published in 2009, Content Strategy for the Web was an instant classic. It was the catalyst for the global content strategy conversation, helping organizations understand and implement content strategy as part of their larger business strategies. Much more than a simple introduction, this second edition builds upon those foundational ideas and gives you what you need to transform your content into a valuable business asset.
Foreword: The Rapid Rise of Content Strategy at Facebook and Beyond
Before We Begin

1 NOW: Hit the ground running.
2 PROBLEM: Why does your content (still) suck?
3 SOLUTION: Content strategy to the rescue.

4 ALIGNMENT: Down with silos, up with people.
5 AUDIT: Take a close-up look at your current content.
6 ANALYSIS Your content lives in a complicated world.

7 CORE: Core strategy: the center of it all.
8 CONTENT: Substance and structure: the stuff they come for.
9 PEOPLE Worldflow and governance: the path to victory.

10 PERSUASION: Making the case for content strategy.
11 ADVOCACY: Get out there and do something.
12 HERO: Save the content, save the world.

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