Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (January 22, 2018) © 2019

  • Gene F. Franklin
  • David Powell
  • Abbas F. Emami-Naeini


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For courses in Electrical & Computing Engineering.

Feedback control fundamentals with context, case studies and a design focus

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems covers the material that every engineer needs to know about feedback control including concepts like stability, tracking and robustness. Each chapter presents the fundamentals along with comprehensive, worked-out examples, all within a real-world context and with historical background. It's devoted to supporting students equally in their need to grasp both traditional and more modern topics of digital control.

An entire chapter is devoted to comprehensive case studies; the 8th Edition has been revised with up-to-date information, brand-new sections, problems and examples.

Hallmark features of this title

  • A comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction supports students equally in their need to grasp both traditional and more modern topics of digital control.
  • An entire chapter devoted to case studies covers real problems in a variety of fields and draws on all the design methods covered in the book.
  • Historical Perspectives provide interesting but concise historical background sections for the material in each chapter.
  • A collection of all the Matlab files (both “m” files and SIMULINK “slx” files), along with additional material, are available at the authors' website,, or at

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Over 60 of the problems in this edition are either new or revised.
  • UPDATED: New examples, updates and additions keep the material relevant and up to date.
  • UPDATED: New material has been added based on user feedback (e.g., on drone dynamics and control) and the text has been updated throughout to include the improved features of MATLAB®.
  1. An Overview and Brief History of Feedback Control
  2. Dynamic Models
  3. Dynamic Response
  4. A First Analysis of Feedback
  5. The Root-Locus Design Method
  6. The Frequency-Design Method
  7. State-Space Design
  8. Digital Control
  9. Nonlinear Systems
  10. Control System Design: Principles and Case Studies


  1. Laplace Transforms
  2. Solutions to the Review Questions
  3. Matlab Commands

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