Using Educational Psychology in Teaching, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (January 1, 2019) © 2020

  • Paul Eggen University of North Florida, Professor Emeritus
  • Don Kauchak University of Utah, Professor Emeritus


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For introduction to educational psychology courses.

A case-based, balanced and applied approach to educational psychology

Using Educational Psychology in Teaching helps readers learn to apply educational psychology theories and research to their own classroom practice. This book teaches using an integrated-case approach, with every chapter starting with a true-life classroom case study. The case is then woven throughout the chapter.

The 11th Edition features additional examples and concrete teaching strategies and suggestions for classroom practice. Updates throughout reflect the most current research and trends in K to 12 classrooms.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Case Studies at the start of each chapter present realistic classroom scenarios that place the content within the context of learning and instruction. Each opening case continues to build throughout each chapter. Additional case studies are embedded in the text to illustrate other key concepts.
  • Concrete suggestions for classroom practice are provided to help readers prepare for their careers.
  • Classroom Connections offers suggestions and illustrations for applying content to specific learning and teaching situations at different grade levels.
  • Analyzing Theories provides evaluations of key psychological theories, focusing on criticisms and contributions, including applications to education.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: The National Council on Teacher Quality's (NCTQ) 6 essential strategies that all new teachers need to know are introduced in Chapter 1. Then, at the beginning of each chapter, the strategies that are emphasized in that chapter are identified.
  • NEW: The Top 20 Principles from The American Psychological Association applicable for PreK to 12 teaching and learning are introduced in Chapter 1. Then, at the beginning of each chapter, the principles that are emphasized in that chapter are identified.
  • UPDATED: Coverage of diversity has been updated and expanded throughout. Examples include diversity and immigration; theoretical framework for culturally responsive teaching; classroom management with members of cultural minorities, and discussion of representation of minorities in special education.
  • UPDATED: Coverage of key learning topics has been added or expanded.
  • UPDATED: Discussions of social-emotional learning and social contexts are expanded.
  • UPDATED: Instruction and assessment discussions are enhanced.
  1. Educational Psychology: Understanding Learning and Teaching
  2. Cognitive and Language Development
  3. Personal, Socio-Emotional, and Moral Development
  4. Learner Diversity
  5. Learners with Exceptionalities
  6. Behaviorism and Social Cognitive Theory
  7. Cognitive Views of Learning
  8. Complex Cognitive Processes
  9. Knowledge Construction and Learning Sciences
  10. Motivation and Learning
  11. A Classroom Model for Promoting Student Motivation
  12. Classroom Management: Developing Self-Regulated Learners
  13. Learning and Effective Teaching
  14. Increased Learning with Assessment
  15. Standardized Testing and Learning


  • Using Educational Psychology, 11th Edition, to Prepare for the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam

About our authors

Paul Eggen has worked in higher education for nearly 40 years. He is a consultant for public schools and colleges in his university area and has provided support to teachers in 12 states. Paul has also worked with teachers in international schools in 23 countries in Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, Central America, South America and Europe. He has published several articles in national journals, is the coauthor of 6 other books, and presents regularly at national and international conferences. Paul is strongly committed to public education. His wife is a middle school teacher in a public school, and his 2 children are graduates of public schools and universities.

Don Kauchak has taught and worked in schools and in higher education in nine states for over 40 years. He has published in a number of scholarly journals, including the Journal of Educational Research, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Teaching and Teacher Education, Phi Delta Kappa and Educational Leadership. In addition to this text, he has coauthored or coedited 6 other books on education. He has also been a principal investigator on federal and state grants examining teacher development and evaluation practices and presents regularly at the American Educational Research Association. He is currently a volunteer tutor for 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders in a local elementary school. These students have taught him a lot about educational psychology.

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