Dr. Terri Moore talks about the latest updates to Revel®, including an instructor mobile app and engaging study resources that will help struggling students actively participate in their learning.
Educational tools that show how the past informs the present

Put students in the driver's seat
Revel integrates videos and interactives into a compelling digital narrative, immersing students in learning.

Access your course anytime and anywhere
The Revel app enables students and instructors to access their course on all their devices, anywhere and anytime.

Help improve learner outcomes
Our research studies show that students who engage with Revel are more prepared for class and get better grades.
Help students connect to sociology with Revel

Access your course anytime and anywhere

Help improve learner outcomes

Join Dr. Terri Moore of Eastern Florida State College for an examination of best practices for using visual media to engage your students.
Join Professor Bill Brands of University of Texas at Austin as he explains the smooth transition of his history course to being fully online.