The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication, 1st edition

Published by New Riders (February 18, 2016) © 2016

  • Alberto Cairo

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The Truthful Art is an introduction to quantitative thinking and statistical and cartographical representation written specifically for journalists and designers. A follow-up to The Functional Art, it goes into the specifics of how to create functional charts, maps, and graphs.

The practical guide on how to create functional charts, maps, and graphs for designers and journalists

  • Provides a broad introduction to statistics, written with journalists and designers in mind
  • Gives specific advice on how to use charts and maps in infographics and visualizations
  • Looks at how information graphics and visualization teams are organized at publications around the world

Preface: It All Begins With a Spark 

Introduction: The Island of Knowledge and the Shoreline of Wonder 


Chapter 1: What We Talk About When We Talk About Visualization 

Chapter 2: The Five Qualities of Great Visualizations 


Chapter 3: The Truth Continuum 

Chapter 4: Of Conjectures and Uncertainty 


Chapter 5: Basic Principles of Visualization 

Chapter 6: Exploring Data With Simple Charts 

Chapter 7: Visualizing Distributions 

Chapter 8: Revealing change 

Chapter 9: Seeing Relationships 

Chapter 10: Mapping Data 

Chapter 11: Confidence and Significance 


Chapter 12: On Creativity and Innovation 

An Epilogue on What Lies Ahead

Alberto Cairo is the Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the School of Communication of the University of Miami (UM), where he heads specializations in infographics and data visualization. He’s also director of the visualization program of UM’s Center for Computational Science, and Visualization Innovator-in-Residence at Univisión. Cairo is the author of the books Infografía 2.0: Visualización interactiva de información en prensa, published exclusively in Spain in 2008, and The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization (New Riders, 2012.) Over the past two decades, Cairo has been director of infographics and visualization at news organizations in Spain and Brazil, in addition to consulting with companies and educational institutions in more than 20 countries. You can find Cairo at or on Twitter, where he is @albertocairo. 

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