Speak Out, Listen Up, 2nd edition

Published by FT Publishing International (April 30, 2024) © 2024

  • Megan Reitz
  • John Higgins

VitalSource eTextbook

ISBN-13: 9781292736150
Speak Out, Listen Up
Published 2024


ISBN-13: 9781292468099
Speak Out, Listen Up
Published 2024
1. Speaking the TRUTH in a world of power
2. Trust: in your voice and the voices of others
3. Risk: how we experience it and how we create it
4. Understanding: navigating the unwritten rules of politics and power
5. Titles: how they give and take authority
6. How-to: speak out and listen up with skill
7. The activist voice: speaking out and being heard
8. TRUTH in the future: the profound consequences of a digital-AI world
9. Seven compass points on the way to TRUTH

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