Recommended: How to sell through networking and referrals, 1st edition

Published by Financial Times/ Prentice Hall (July 8, 2011) © 2011

  • Andy Lopata



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Referrals and recommendations are the most effective drivers of new business. This book will show you how to make your business thrive by generating referrals and sales from your own networks cheaply, effectively and quickly.

Written by Andy Lopata, who was christened ‘Mr Network’ by The Sun and listed as one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists by the Financial Times in 2009, Recommended will show you how to implement a simple yet effective strategy you can rely on to source the leads you need to keep your business flourishing.

You will discover:

How to generate more of the leads that produce better quality business, leads that convert more easily and more quickly into real sales

Detailed guidance on how to use LinkedIn to generate referrals

Practical, takeaway information which can be implemented easily in any business that needs to generate new sales





Part One - Why you need to get recommended

Chapter One – What is a referral?

Chapter Two – The role of networking

Chapter Three - Current approaches don't work

Chapter Four – You can’t just throw mud at a wall


Part Two – The foundation of the ultimate referrals strategy

Chapter Five – The role of trust in a referrals strategy

Chapter Six – Do people understand how to refer you?

Chapter Seven – Who has the best opportunity to refer you?


Part Three – How your network can help you generate referrals

Chapter Eight- The six degrees of separation and how they influence your referrals strategy

Chapter Nine – Where will your referrals come from?

Chapter Ten – Referrals within an organisation

Chapter Eleven – How to select the right networks for you


Part Four – How to get your network to refer you

Chapter Twelve – Inspiring people to refer you

Chapter Thirteen – When to ask for referrals

Chapter Fourteen – Referring others with confidence


Part Five – Tools you can use

Chapter Fifteen – LinkedIn as a referral tool

Chapter Sixteen – The Referral Book

Chapter Seventeen - Results you can rely on


In a nutshell: Ten steps to an effective referrals strategy

Further resources


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