How to Write Essays & Assignments, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (June 23, 2011) © 2011

  • Kathleen McMillan University of Dundee
  • Jonathan Weyers University of Dundee



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Fully updated since publication in 2007, and with extended and revised sections in key areas such as plagiarism & Copyright, and Citing & Referencing, How to write Essays & Assignments will allow a student to assess and address their particular weaknesses in planning and writing great academic essays and delivers detailed tips, techniques and strategies to enable them to significantly improve their abilities and performance in time to make a difference.

·         Tips, examples, checklists, ‘Try This’ boxes, 2 colour design.

·         A common sense, no-nonsense approach that gives students immediate access to the information they need. Relevant content with a focus on key issues and instant solutions.

·         Each topic is matched to an issue, event or assignment that the student will want to read up on at a time of need.

·         Each topic will only be a few pages long with practical lists and tips.

·         Updated and revised content throughout.

·         Annotated table of contents to help readers find exactly what they need.

Fully updated since publication in 2007, and with extended and revised sections in key areas such as plagiarism & Copyright, and Citing & Referencing.

Visit to access a wealth of useful information, tips, templates and interactive activities to support your studies.


Preface and acknowledgements

How to use this book


1. Why expressing yourself well in writing is important  - how to develop your writing skills

What markers are looking for

2. What markers are looking for in your essays and assignments -how to identify the key elements required to meet markers' expectations

Getting started

3. Tackling writing assignments - How to get started

Researching your topic

4. Effective academic reading - How to read efficiently and with understanding

5. Library and learning resources - How to make the best use of the facilities

6. Note-making from texts - How to create effective notes for later reference

7. Thinking critically - How to develop a logical approach to analysis, synthesis and evaluation

Writing a first draft

8. Academic writing formats - How to organise your writing within a standard framework

9. Planning writing assignments - How to respond to the task

Writing technique

10. Academic writing style - How to adopt appropriate language conventions

11. Shaping your text - how to create effective sentences and paragraphs

12. Improving your grammar - How to avoid some common errors

13. Better punctuation - How to use punctuation marks appropriately

14. Better spelling - How to spell competently

15. Enhancing your vocabulary - How to increase your word power

Editing & Revision

16. Reviewing, editing and proof-reading - how to make sure your writing is concise and correct

Plagiarism and referencing

17. Plagiarism and copyright infringement - how to avoid being accused of ‘stealing’ the ideas & work of others

18. Citing and listing references - how to refer appropriately to the work of others


19. Presentation of assignments - how to follow the appropriate academic conventions

Improving your marks

20. Exploiting feedback - how to understand and learn from what lecturers write on your work

21. Essay writing in exams - how to improve your marks 

References and further reading

Glossary of key terms

Kathleen McMillan and Jonathan Weyers work within the University of Dundee’s Learning Centre and Academic Affairs Office respectively and have each been teaching for over 25 years and now specialize in supporting academic skills across both the arts and sciences.

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