Double Your Price: The Strategy and Tactics of Smart Pricing, 1st edition

Published by FT Publishing International (March 23, 2023) © 2023

  • David Falzani



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  1. Why is price so important for success?
  2. Why under-pricing is a key business error 
  3. Pricing 101: the basics – plus some surprises 
  4. Why price should almost never be ‘cost-plus' 
  5. Value and price: how the relationship is changing 
  6. Unlocking growth: would you like a bank account that pays 25% interest? 
  7. Doubling your price: Price as an agent of growth 
  8. Framing and priming: they're all around us 
  9. Other strategies for pricing 
  • Can you double your price? 
  • Increasing differentiation: The role of brand 
  • Real price is not equal to stated price 
  • Money on the table: pricing menus, on-sell and up-sell 
  • Day rate vs total 
  • Use bundling 
  • Establishing multiple price points and pricing runways 
  • Managing over-demand 
  • Get premium customers to self-identify 
  • Carry out experimental ‘tests' in the market 
  • Using framing and priming 
  • Remember to revisit price often, if not continuously 

10. On the road to success

Professor David Falzani MBE is a serial entrepreneur, business consultant and non-executive director. He began his career as an engineer at IBM, before joining a Silicon Valley style start-up, Madge Networks, which grew from 240 employees to 2,000 in 3 years and IPO'd on the NASDAQ. This experience led him to study for an MBA at The Wharton School (USA) and SDA Bocconi (Italy). 

He has been a mentor and/or trainer for growth programmes at Nottingham University, and Oxford University Saïd Business School, as well as Royal Academy of Engineering's Leaders in Innovation Fellowship and Enterprise Hub – overall, supporting over 2,000 companies. David is a Professor at Nottingham University Business School's Haydn Green Institute and has published more than 60 articles and blogs. 

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