MyLab Management for active learning and better performance

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Dr Norbert Sipos from the University of Pécs, Hungary talks about his 2-year experience with MyLab Management and highlights the adaptive features of the platform. 

“This system ensures that students engage with the material regularly, rather than just attending lectures and not interacting with the content.” 

Course Overview 

The Introduction to Management course, taught by Dr Norbert Sipos at the University of Pécs, Hungary, is a flagship offering of the Faculty of Business and Economics. This fundamental course, typically enrolling 60 to 80 students from over 50 countries, is essential for all students in their programmes. Conducted in the second semester, the course helps students become acquainted with university expectations. The primary textbook is Fundamentals of Management by Robbins and Coulter, which provides a robust foundation for understanding management principles. By comparing these principles with practices in their own countries, students gain a deeper understanding of the subject. 


Integration and benefits of MyLab Management 

The course is divided into theoretical lessons and quizzes, utilising the MyLab Management platform for assessments. This platform, connected directly to the textbook, enables students to engage deeply with the material. Mastery points earned through quizzes serve as prerequisites for final assessments. This approach ensures regular review and comprehension of the material. The use of MyLab Management has streamlined the process of tracking and registering student performance, proving to be a double benefit for both teaching and learning experiences. 


Positive Outcomes and Student Feedback 

The second year of using MyLab Management has shown significant improvements in student engagement and performance. Before its integration, the course relied on Moodle for quizzes, with average scores notably lower than the current average of 7.8/10. Initial scepticism from students gave way to positive feedback by the fifth week, as they began to appreciate the structured approach MyLab Management offers. This structure helps students stay on schedule and engage more actively with the material. High engagement and performance in this area suggest that the platform contributes to more active learning and better overall results. The greatest benefit for students is the convenience and structure MyLab Management provides, allowing them to keep up with coursework seamlessly, even if they cannot attend classes physically. 

"I really like the feature of MyLab management that actually the students are directly connected to the book itself."  
"It helps my work as well as it helps the students. So it's a double benefit,"  
“From my end, setting it up at the beginning of the semester and managing weekly downloads takes minimal time.” 
“The average scores were notably lower, typically below five out of ten, compared to the current average of 7.8 out of ten.”
Watch the full interview with Dr Sipos:
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