We’d like to share some more detail in relation to the arrangements for the ‘Post Q-TAG submission External Quality Assurance’ step of our Quality Assurance activities this year.
Centres will submit their Q-TAGs to us on, or before, 18 June 2021.
As set out in our guidance, the timelines for the post submission Q-TAG QA will run from Q-TAG submission through to 16 July. In exceptional circumstances this may run until 24 July.
The post Q-TAG submission External Quality Assurance is the final stage of the quality assurance process, where we will review a sample of evidence to confirm your centre has implemented the Q-TAG process set out by Pearson, in line with BTEC centre policies, and that your submitted grades are therefore sufficiently valid and reliable. This sampling process will also provide reassurance that grades awarded this year can be used confidently by learners and stakeholders.
The sampling process will take place following the submission of grades and the Head of Centre declaration. Centres will be selected for sampling on a range of factors including:
- Where a centre’s overall results’ profile for this year’s cohort appears to diverge significantly compared to the profiles for cohorts from previous years when exams have taken place
- Whether the centre has submitted the Annual Centre of Declaration
- Whether the centre has submitted their policies for review as part of LSV QA (which took place earlier in the academic year)
- Late registration patterns outside of normal behaviour
- The Standards Verification activity from this year
- Centres with a ‘high-risk’ profile, due to malpractice/maladministration or other reason.
In addition, and in line with similar practice for ‘Low’ rated programmes, there will be some centres that are selected randomly to ensure appropriate coverage of other variables, including sector, qualification or geographical location.
What happens if my centre is selected?
If your centre is selected then we will request you provide a sample of evidence that supports the grades you have submitted for the selected learners. The sampling of evidence will take place at programme level, in line with normal Standards Verification processes. You will receive an automated message requesting information to be shared with us digitally:
- a summary of the approach undertaken to award Q-TAG grades and the internal quality assurance processes
- information to support the results profile, e.g. in comparison to past performance
- samples of evidence used to inform the Q-TAG judgement for at least five learners.
*if your centre has used this template or cover sheet as part of the process, then this information is covered here. If you have not used these, please ensure the questions are covered in your own documentation.
To ensure that the process is manageable for centres a maximum of three programmes will be reviewed at an individual centre.
A Sector-specific Reviewer will be in contact with your named Point of Contact (on EOL) and/or your Quality Nominee and will need to discuss the evidence you have submitted.
If, having reviewed the evidence, the Reviewer has questions about how a centre has made grading decisions, they will advise the centre and further evidence may be requested.
Where the Reviewer has unresolved concerns about a centre’s approach and the evidence does not support the grades submitted, centres will be asked to reconsider their grades. We may also need to discuss the grading decisions with the centre; if we are not able to satisfactorily complete Quality Assurance of the Q-TAGs submitted, we are required to withhold results until assurances can be given.