Social Problems in a Diverse Society, Canadian Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (October 15, 2015) © 2016

  • Diana Kendall Baylor University
  • Edward G. Thompson McMaster University
  • Vicki L. Nygaard University of British Columbia
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Learning about social problems can be a highly rewarding experience. Although we live in challenging times, a course on social problems provides an excellent avenue for developing critical thinking skills and for learning how to use sociological concepts and perspectives to analyze specific social concerns ranging from war and terrorism, media concentration, drug addiction, and violence to the inequalities of racism, sexism, classism, ageism, homophobia, and ableism.

The fourth Canadian edition of Social Problems in a Diverse Society focuses on the significance of racialization and ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, class, ability,and gender in understanding social problems in Canada and around the globe. Throughout the text, people - especially those from marginalized groups—are shown not merely as “victims” of social problems, but also as individual actors with agency who resist discrimination and inequality and seek to bring about change in families, schools, workplaces, and the larger society.

  1. Taking a New Look at Social Problems
  2. Poverty in the Canadian Context
  3. Racism and Ethnic Inequality
  4. Gender Inequality
  5. Inequality Based on Age
  6. Inequality Based in Sexual Orientation
  7. The Sex Industry in Canada and Beyond
  8. Addictions
  9. Crime and Criminal Justice
  10. Health, Illness, and Health Care as Social Programs
  11. The Changing Family
  12. Problems in Education
  13. Problems in the Globalized Economy and Politics
  14. Problems Related to Media
  15. Population, Urbanization, and the Environmental Crisis
  16. Global Social Problems

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