Direct Instruction Reading, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (February 5, 2015) © 2017

  • Douglas W. Carnine University of Oregon
  • Jerry Silbert
  • Edward J. Kame'enui
  • Timothy A. Slocum
  • Patricia A. Travers
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Brief Table of Contents
Part I: Perspective
1. Perspectives on Reading Instruction
2. A Model of Reading Instruction
3. Classroom Reading Instruction
4. Delivery of Instruction

Part II: Beginning Reading
5. An Overview of Beginning Reading
6. Phonemic Awareness and Alphabetic Understanding
7. Letter -- Sound Correspondence
8. Sounding Out Regular Words
9. Sight Reading
10. Irregular Words
11. Vocabulary Instruction during the Beginning Reading Stage
12. Comprehension Instruction during the Beginning Reading Stage

Part III: Reading Instruction During The Primary And Intermediate Grades
13. Phonic Analysis
14. Structural Analysis
15. Irregular Words: Primary and Intermediate Grades
16. Fluency Instruction and Passage Reading
17. Vocabulary Instruction after the Beginning Stage*

Part IV: Overview Of Comprehension Instruction
18. Comprehension Skills and Procedures
19. Narrative-Comprehension Strategies
20. Critical Reading

Part V: Content-Area Reading
21. Direct Instruction in Content-Area Reading
22. Response to Intervention: School-Wide Organization of
Reading Instruction

Detailed Table of Contents

Part I: Perspective
1. Perspectives on Reading Instruction
Perspectives on Improving Student Reading Performance
Illustrations of The Four Orientations
A More In-Depth Look at Direct Instruction

2. A Model of Reading Instruction
National Reading Panel Findings
Common Core State Standards
Stages Of Reading Instruction
English Language Learners

3. Classroom Reading Instruction
Instructional Materials
Modifying Core Reading Programs For At-Risk Learners
Organization Of Instruction

4. Delivery of Instruction
Program Design
Presentation Techniques

Part II: Beginning Reading
5. An Overview of Beginning Reading
Key Terminology
The Great Debate: Code-Emphasis Vs. Meaning-Emphasis
Providing Explicit And Systematic Instruction During The Beginning
Reading Stage
Research On Beginning Reading Instruction

6. Phonemic Awareness and Alphabetic Understanding
Phonological And Phonemic Awareness
Preskills For Sounding Out Words
Commercial Programs

7. Letter -- Sound Correspondence
Sequence For Introducing Letter -- Sound Correspondences
Rate For Introducing Letter -- Sound Correspondences
Procedure for Teaching Letter -- Sound Correspondences
Critical Teacher Presentation Behaviors
Using Commercial Materials

8. Sounding Out Regular Words
Regular Words
Scope And Sequence
Teaching Procedures
Passage Reading During The Beginning Reading Stage
Commercial Reading Programs

9. Sight Reading
Sight Reading In Word Lists
Passage Reading
Commercial Programs

10. Irregular Words
When To Introduce Irregular Words
Sequence For Introducing Irregular Words
Teaching Procedure
Modified Introductory Format
Facilitating Retention
Commercial Programs

11. Vocabulary Instruction during the Beginning Reading Stage
Teaching Procedure
Teacher Read-Alouds
Commercial Programs

12. Comprehension Instruction during the Beginning Reading Stage
Foundational Language
Sentence Comprehension
Story Comprehension: Teacher Read-Alouds
Text-Related Comprehension

Part III: Reading Instruction During The Primary And Intermediate Grades
13. Phonic Analysis
Words With Letter Combinations
Words With A Vce Pattern

14. Structural Analysis
Words With Common Affixes
Vce Derivatives
Y Derivatives
Multisyllabic Words Formed With Prefixes And Suffixes

15. Irregular Words: Primary and Intermediate Grades
Systematic Introduction Of Irregular Words
Context As A Cue

16. Fluency Instruction and Passage Reading
Teaching Procedure For Story Reading
Reading Outside School

17. Vocabulary Instruction after the Beginning Stage*
Direct Vocabulary Teaching
Teaching Word-Learning Strategies
Relation Of Vocabulary Instruction To Improving Comprehension

Part IV: Overview Of Comprehension Instruction
Factors That Affect Reading Comprehension
Improving Comprehension
Chapters On Comprehension After The Beginning Stage

18. Comprehension Skills and Procedures
Inferential Comprehension
Sentence Structure
Text-Reading Procedures

19. Narrative-Comprehension Strategies
Story Selection
Teaching Procedure
Advanced Story-Reading Comprehension Strategy

20. Critical Reading
Steps In Critical Reading
Teaching Procedure
An Overall Critical-Reading Strategy

Part V: Content-Area Reading
21. Direct Instruction in Content-Area Reading
Characteristics Of Expository Materials
Content-Area Lessons

22. Response to Intervention: School-Wide Organization of
Reading Instruction
Assessment For Universal Screening, Progress Monitoring, And Placement
Tier Supports

Appendix A: Word Lists
Appendix B: List of Common Words
Appendix C: Outline of Lessons for Beginning Phonics Program
Appendix D: Basic Vocabulary for Beginning Readers and Suggestions for Assessing Student Knowledge
Appendix E: Oral Language Screening Test and Record Form
Appendix F: Beginning Phonics Assessment

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