MyLab Languages

Where world-class content meets dynamic learning

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MyLab® Languages merges dynamic study tools with the content you rely on. Easily customize your course to add a personal touch. MyLab Languages helps language learners succeed with immersive content and tools that facilitate oral practice both in and out of the classroom. Channel your teaching style. Develop confident learners. It’s the power of MyLab.

Key features

Featured titles

Offer these titles and more through MyLab Languages.

“MyLab is easy to use and offers great flexibility and customization capabilities. You can easily build the course you want. If you are a coordinator, MyLab will make your life easier. It gives you the ability to monitor and manage TAs and Instructors from your account, providing you strong control.”

- Spanish Instructor

Conversations with Pearson language authors

World language authors share what they want students to take away from their courses.

Language Course Takeaways
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Webinars, blogs and more

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