Table of contents
- 1. Introduction to Psychology1h 43m
- 2. Psychology Research2h 20m
- 3. Biological Psychology2h 41m
- 4. Sensation and Perception28m
- 5. Consciousness and Sleep32m
- 6. Learning41m
- 7. Memory34m
- 8. Cognition37m
- 9. Emotion and Motivation35m
- 10. Developmental Psychology33m
1. Introduction to Psychology
What is Psychology?
Multiple Choice
Multiple ChoiceTrue or False (if false, choose the answer that best corrects the statement); The famous philosopher John Locke believed that humans are born with extensive, species-specific knowledge.
False; Locke believed that humans are born with some innate knowledge.
False; Locke believed in philosophical dualism (the idea that the mind and body are separate entities).
False; Locke believed that humans are born tabula rasa, as “blank slates” with no innate knowledge.
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