Problem 33.31
Your artist friend is designing an exhibit inspired by circular-aperture diffraction. A pinhole in a red zone is going to be illuminated with a red laser beam of wavelength 670 nm, while a pinhole in a violet zone is going to be illuminated with a violet laser beam of wavelength 410 nm. She wants all the diffraction patterns seen on a distant screen to have the same size. For this to work, what must be the ratio of the red pinhole’s diameter to that of the violet pinhole?
Problem 38.71d
In the atom interferometer experiment of Figure 38.13, laser-cooling techniques were used to cool a dilute vapor of sodium atoms to a temperature of 0.0010 K=1.0 mK. The ultracold atoms passed through a series of collimating apertures to form the atomic beam you see entering the figure from the left. The standing light waves were created from a laser beam with a wavelength of 590 nm.
d. Because interference is observed between the two paths, each individual atom is apparently present at both point B and point C. Describe, in your own words, what this experiment tells you about the nature of matter.
Ch 33: Wave Optics