Now that we have epoxides and know how to make them, it's important to know what we can do with them. And it turns out that ethers are highly unreactive. Ethers barely react with anything. But because the fact that epoxides are 3-membered rings, they're very, very highly strained. So what that means is that even though ethers as a functional group are not very reactive, epoxides are because they have so much potential energy locked up in those bonds. They're going to want to break open first chance that they get. So it turns out that we have 2 different ways that we can open the epoxide ring and they have to do with different agents that we use. So these are called the acid-catalyzed ring-opening reaction and the base-catalyzed ring-opening reaction. Let's start off with acid and then we'll work on to base. Okay?
In an acid-catalyzed reaction, notice first of all that I'm using the words acid-catalyzed. Okay? That actually already gives us a hint about the mechanism. Okay? Remember when I said whenever you have an acid-catalyzed mechanism, what's the first step going to be? Protonation. You always need to protonate first. Okay? If it says acid-catalyzed, you always need to protonate first. So what that means is that the very first step is that if I'm using an acid with an epoxide, the nucleophilic O is going to go ahead and grab the H from the acid because that H has a positive charge. So now what I'm going to get is a molecule that looks like this, where everything is still in the same exact place. Okay? Except that I've got a formal charge on this O. Okay? Because the O has too many bonds. Alright?
So now what happens? I've got a Cl- and the Cl- wants to break open the ring, but it's trying to decide which side is going to break. Is it going to break the most substituted, the tertiary, or the least substituted, the secondary? Okay. That's supposed to be a 3 by the way. Let me draw that again. The tertiary or the secondary? And the answer to this is that the chlorine or whatever anion we're using, even if it was just a neutral nucleophile, is going to be the most attracted to the side of the ring with the most positive character. Okay? So what we're looking at is the side of the ring that could stabilize that the best because that, I mean, I'm sorry, I just said carbocation. It's not a carbocation. It's just a cation. It's just a positive charge. But that positive charge can delocalize a little bit into those 2 different atoms. So the question is, which side is going to be the one that has the most positive character? The secondary or the tertiary? The answer is the tertiary. So I'm going to go ahead and attack here and if I make that bond, I have to break a bond, so I'm going to break the bond to the O. What this is going to give me is a new compound that looks like this. Let's say that this bond right her