Now, here we're going to say that coenzyme A is a coenzyme of synthase and it has a high energy thiol bond, so SH bond. It carries an Acetyl group to the Krebs Cycle for energy production by oxidation. If we take a look here, this whole structure represents Coenzyme A. Coenzyme A is made up of 3 portions. We have our ADP portion right here, which is Adenosine Diphosphate.
Then we have here Pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid, another common name for it is vitamin B5. So that would be this portion right here. And then finally, we have our Aminoethane Thiol portion, which is this nitrogen portion with these 2 CH2s and then the SH at the end. Again, it's the SH group that has a high energy bond.
Then hydrogen can be removed from this structure. So, just remember, Coenzyme A is just yet another simple type of coenzyme that exists.