Textbook Question
Write the equation for the final step in the catabolism of any fatty acid with an even number of carbons.
Write the equation for the final step in the catabolism of any fatty acid with an even number of carbons.
How many molecules of acetyl-CoA are produced by catabolism of the following fatty acids, and how many ß oxidations are needed?
a. Palmitic acid, CH₃(CH₂)₁₄COOH
What causes acetone to be present in the breath of someone with uncontrolled diabetes?
Look back at the reactions of the citric acid cycle (Figure 21.8) and identify the three reactions in that cycle that are similar to the first three reactions of the ß oxidation of a fatty acid. <IMAGE>
How many rounds of the lipogenesis cycle are needed to synthesize stearic acid, C17H35COOH?
Consuming too many carbohydrates causes deposition of fats in adipose tissue. How does this happen?