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Ch.11 Nucleic Acids–Big Molecules with a Big Role

Chapter 6, Problem 69a

Provide the amino acid corresponding to each of the following codons:

a. UUG

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All right. Hello everyone. So this question is asking us to determine the amino acid encoded by the code on ac option. A says Alanine B says Prole C says methionine and D says thine now recall first and foremost that A coon refers to a triplet of nucleotides, specifically MRN A nucleotides. And so during the process of translation in which an MRN A is coded into a protein or converted into a protein, each individual codon represents an amino acid in the protein sequence. Now codons can also represent the start or stop signal of translation. Now there are 64 total codons but the good news is that you don't have to memorize all of them. Maybe you might have to recognize the start and stop codons but not the ones for amino acids instead. Right? For a question like this, you would reference the genetic code and the genetic code is basically a table that lists each possible combination of three nucleotides and their resulting amino acid or start or stop code on. And so the way that you use the genetic code is like this, right? For example, the column two, the far left side is for you to match the first letter of your code on. So here that's a and then from there, you would match the second letter which is C and then lastly, you would match the last letter towards the very right side, which is you in this case. So referencing the genetic code, the code on ac represents or will code for the amino acid three inning, which means that our answer is going to be option D in multiple choice. Now, we do have our correct answer. But I think it's also important to recognize that each individual coon will only code for one amino acid or start stop codon. But multiple different coons can code for one amino acid. So that's important to keep in mind. But with that being said, thank you so very much for watching and I hope you found this helpful.